Bright Star is an expanded universe by Ikari Dojo, a publishing and games development studio. Current projects include a short story anthology in the genre of science fiction and space opera, and multiple game titles set in the Bright Star universe for mobile and pc platforms.
The Bright Star universe is set several millennia in the future in the Cygnus sector of the Milky Way galaxy and explores the trials and hazards of interstellar travel, human colonisation of new worlds and the social and political landscape of rising star nations.
The Ikari Dojo writing team produce the lore and background for the Bright Star universe. Upcoming titles include Bright Star: First Fleet and Bright Star: Kepler Prime, short story anthologies that follow the initial journey to the Cygnus sector and the colonisation of the Kepler system.
First Fleet
Pioneers cast out into the void of space on a 30,000 year journey to the Cygnus sector in massive Ark colony ships , held in stasis and waiting to be revived upon arrival at new habitable worlds. Despite the careful preparation, the long voyage is hazardous and survival is not guaranteed.
An anthology of twelve short stories spanning genres of science fiction, space opera and military science fiction.
Kepler Prime
After many millennia, the ancient Ark ships have reached their destination. Colonists prepare stake their claims to build a new home, but danger lurks on the planet Kepler both from the environment and from within the ranks of intrepid pioneers. Power belongs to those who seize it.
An anthology of twelve short stories spanning genres of science fiction, political fiction and space opera.
Games Development
The Ikari Dojo development team produce digital media and video games for the Bright Star universe. Upcoming titles include Bright Star: Nexus, Bright Star: Helioshock and Bright Star: Corsair, video game titles for the mobile and pc platforms.
A roguelike action game with singleplayer or cooperative game modes where the player takes control of a stranded space fighter in hostile space.
A roguelike tactical game in which players control a fleet of pirates that raid, pillage and plunder along frontier systems for profit and spoils.