Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure (RSI) Research Group

Welcome to the webpage of the RSI Research Group at IIT Jodhpur!!

 Concrete Columns under Santa Monica Pier (Wikimedia Commons)

Why study concrete?

In a rapidly urbanizing world, the importance of concrete as a building material cannot be overstated. Concrete is the second most consumed material globally, with an annual consumption of nearly 30 billion tons, behind water.  Concrete is produced by mixing cement, water and aggregates in required proportions, making Portland Cement arguably one of the greatest inventions of the modern century.


Concrete is the primary building material of the world. However, there are some challenges associated with concrete like - 

Deteriorated Concrete (Image Credit - Boaz Arad, CC-BY-2)

Concrete Placement at Folsom Dam (USACE HQ, Public Domain)
