Subhendu Rakshit


Department of Physics, IIT Indore

Contact Details

Email: rakshit[at] Phone: +91(0)731-660-3137

Address: Khandwa Road, Simrol, Indore - 453552, M.P., India

I am a theoretical particle physicist, working on phenomenological aspects of high energy physics. My broad interest lies in models beyond the standard model of particle physics. We are passing through an interesting era of particle physics, when apart from the collider experiments, astrophysical and cosmological observations have also attained the required sensitivity to probe these new physics models. Hence, one of the major interests of the group is in astroparticle physics, especially in the context of neutrinos and dark matter. With the recent announcement of a 100 TeV collider at CERN, Switzerland, the future of collider based physics also look quite enticing. Hence, research in Higgs physics is one of the major interests for us. The observation of gravitational waves has opened up another window to look at the history of the early Universe. It can also enable us to probe physics at energy scales which even the upcoming collider based experiments will also fail to achieve. We plan to move forward probing physics beyond the standard model using these diverse avenues, thus unraveling the beauty of Nature.