Biofabrication Laboratory

Department of Biosciences and Biomedical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Indore

Welcome to Biofabrication Laboratory at Indian Institute of Technology Indore

Our research focuses on the themes of biofabrication, diagnostics and wearable biosensing, development of advanced biomanufacturing processes and systems. These systems will be used to reliably produce organoids, highly complex tissue constructs, and entire organs that can facilitate drug discovery, disease mechanisms study and therapeutic treatments. 

We welcome personnels with diverse academic backgrounds such as mechanical, biomedical, electrical, chemical, and materials engineering. 

If you are interested in joining  the Biofabrication Lab, please contact at with your CV including research experience and interests.

Latest @ Biofabrication Laboratory

February 2024:

Biofabrication Lab received YFRSG (seed grant) for commencing research on building tissue interface models.

December 2023:

Biofabrication Lab begins!