Dr Sudipta Saha

Assistant Professor 

Computer Science & Engineering

School of Electrical Sciences

Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar

I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, in the School of Electrical Sciences, IIT Bhubaneswar. 

Most of my current research works are aimed at deriving efficient strategies to let the devices or objects, or in general, the "things," cooperate and coordinate with each other and solve problems to help us live a smooth and healthy life. 

Precisely, my interests are as follows -

(a) Make devices / things capable of speaking to each other, form colony and cooperate with humans to solve critical problems 

(b) Make things intelligent so that they can also think and take necessary measures when they face any unforeseen situation

(c) Teach the things to preserve secrecy, maintain privacy, and build trust 

(d) Above all, make them learn how to suppress competition and go for cooperation

In pure technical terms, I work in Distributed Intelligence, Internet-of-Things, Wireless Sensor Networks, and their applications in Multi-Robot Systems, Smart-Grid, and a few other areas.

At IIT Bhubaneswar I am leading the Distributed and Smart Systems Research Group (DSSRG). Click here for updates.

Current openings

I am actively looking for enthusiastic people to join our group. Currently, there are two openings:

A) One Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) position under a project sponsored by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India. See the details HERE.

B) One regular PhD position sponsored by Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India.