Workshop on Power Electronics Converters for Electric Vehicle Application (PECEVA-2023)

13th and 14th October 2023

Link to Download Selected Presentations (with prior permission from the Speaker)

E Mobility Presentation.pdf
IITBhuba_Developing and Implementing Digital Control for Power Converters-1.pdf
Challenges in EV motor Testing_BBS.pptx
Motors for EVs_workshop.pdf

Selected Photographs taken during the workshop

Chief Guests in  Inauguration Event 

(Time: 9.00-9.45AM, 13th October, 2023 Venue: SES-A103, IIT Bhubaneswar)

Shri. B. B. Mehta

Director [SLDC & Telecom] 

Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Limited

 Prof. Shreepad Karmalkar, Director, IIT Bhubaneswar  

Developments in Electric Vehicle Technologies have gained momentum in recent years. This brings various issues starting from power electronics converters in Electric Vehicle, their design, integration with emerging Wide-band-gap Semiconductor devices, thermal and electro-mechanical design, control of the converters/machines, control and design of battery chargers for EV, design of machines for the application. This workshop aims to include sessions with high-grade lecture Talks and discussions followed by Laboratory practices on Matlab Modelling and design and digital Controller based Hardware Implementation. The major topics that will be covered in this workshop are:

Our Sponsors

Technical Co-Sponsors