AMS Special Session on
Recent Progress in Chromatic Graph Theory
AMS Spring 2023 Eastern Sectional Meeting (online)
April 1st-2nd, 2023
Perspectives and Problems in Chromatic Graph Theory
Starting from the famous four-color conjecture in the mid-19th century, graph coloring problems have been a central theme in graph theory and combinatorics. Birkhoff's introduction in 1912 of the chromatic polynomial for counting colorings built a bridge between algebra and chromatic graph theory. The chromatic polynomial and its generalizations such as Stanley's chromatic symmetric function are an active and essential part of algebraic combinatorics. In extremal combinatorics, the questions arising out of graph colorings and its generalizations such as list colorings (from 1970s), and DP- or Correspondence colorings (from 2015) as well as related covers are a driving force for a variety of widely studied research questions.
In continuation of the theme of the special session last year, this special session proposes to bring together researchers from all parts of combinatorics - algebraic, enumerative, extremal, and structural - that have in recent years made advances in our understanding of problems in graph coloring and its generalizations, and help build connections for cross-fertilization of ideas between these research communities.
To ensure all sections of our research communities have an opportunity to participate in this session, out of the eighteen invited speakers, nine are junior researchers, including graduate students, and nine are women researchers.
Hemanshu Kaul, Illinois Institute of Technology
Samantha Dahlberg, Illinois Institute of Technology
Invited Speakers
Farid Aliniaeifard, University of British Columbia, Canada (webpage)
Matthias Beck, San Francisco State University (webpage)
Anton Bernshteyn, Georgia Institute of Technology (webpage)
Daniel Dominik, Illinois Institute of Technology
Fengming Dong, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (webpage)
John Engbers, Marquette University (webpage)
Angele Foley, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada (webpage)
Ross Kang, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands (webpage)
Alejandro Morales, University of Massachusetts (webpage)
Jeff Mudrock, College of Lake County (webpage)
Rosa Orellana, Dartmouth College (webpage)
Sophie Rehberg, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany (webpage)
Songling Shan, Illinois State University (webpage)
Evelyne Smith-Roberge, Georgia Institute of Technology (old webpage)
Sophie Spirkl, University of Waterloo, Canada (webpage)
Stephanie van Willigenburg, University of British Columbia, Canada (webpage)
Douglas West, Zhejiang Normal Univ and University of Illinois (webpage)
Jingwei Xu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (recent work)
Schedule of Talks
All listed times are Eastern Daylight Time.
Saturday Morning, April 1st
8:00 Sparse critical graphs for defective DP-colorings (slides)
Jingwei Xu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
8:30 DP-Coloring of Graphs from Random Covers (slides)
Daniel Dominik, Illinois Institute of Technology
9:00 Break
9:30 Chromatic index of multigraphs with high minimum degree (slides)
Songling Shan, Illinois State University
10:00 Algorithms for Vizing's theorem (slides)
Anton Bernshteyn, Georgia Institute of Technology
10:30 \chi-boundedness and h-boundedness (slides)
Sophie Spirkl, University of Waterloo
Saturday Afternoon, April 1st
3:00 Counting Correspondence Colourings of Planar Graphs (slides)
Evelyne Smith-Roberge, Georgia Institute of Technology
3:30 A polynomial method for DP-coloring of graphs (slides)
Jeffrey A Mudrock, College of Lake County
4:00 Break
4:30 Generalized Chromatic Functions (slides)
Farid Aliniaeifard, The University of British Columbia
5:00 Using chromatic functions to solve a problem of Rosas and Sagan (slides)
Stephanie van Willigenburg, University of British Columbia
5:30 H-chromatic symmetric functions
Angele Foley, Wilfrid Laurier University
Sunday Morning, April 2nd
8:30 The Chromatic Number of R^n with Multiple Forbidden Distances (slides)
Eric Peter Naslund, Naslund Technologies
9:00 Polynomials for marked graphs and the chromatic symmetric function (slides)
Rosa C. Orellana, Dartmouth College
9:30 Break
10:00 List-color functions versus chromatic polynomials (slides)
Fengming Dong, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
10:30 Local graph colouring (slides)
Ross Kang, University of Amsterdam
Sunday Afternoon, April 2nd
2:00 Maximizing the number of colorings and independent sets in k-chromatic graphs (slides)
John A. Engbers, Marquette University
2:30 Cycles in color-critical graphs (slides)
Douglas West, Zhejiang Normal University and University of Illinois
3:00 Break
3:30 Hypergraph coloring, combinatorial reciprocity and a geometric perspective (slides)
Sophie Rehberg, Freie Universität Berlin
4:00 The Newton polytope and Lorentzian property of chromatic symmetric functions (slides)
Alejandro H Morales, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
4:30 q-Chromatic Polynomials (slides)
Matthias Beck, San Francisco State University
All listed times are Eastern Daylight Time.
Important Links and Deadlines
AMS webpage for the Spring 2023 Eastern Sectional Meeting and this Special Session
AMS virtual meeting webpage with links for Zoom meetings for each Special Session
Direct link to all parts of our session under the AMS virtual meeting webage
Abstract submission
By AMS policy, speakers must be registered for the meeting: registration page.
Abstracts should be submitted online through the AMS: abstract submission. Note that the system used for abstract submission is different than that used by the AMS in the past. You must be registered for the meeting to submit an abstract.
Deadline for abstract submission: January 31st 2023 (this is a firm deadline!)
Schedule of talks: To be finalized by February 14th 2023 (see above).