SGA Summer Supercharge

Enhancing the on-campus summer student experience

A poll with n= 546

In response to a poll in which over 95% of respondents claimed that they rate the on-campus events over the summer poorly, the Student Government Association began the Summer Supercharge Initiative, led by the Campus Life Committee, dedicating $25k of the remaining Student Activity Fund to the summer semester, working with Student Organizations to coordinate events that diversely fill this gap.

No more summertime sadness!

This initiative is foreshadowing of a larger plan to enhance campus life through the support of and engagement with Student Orgs. If you are interested in advancing the capabilities and reach of student orgs systematically, reach out to to get involved.

How to be a Summer Supercharge Member Organization?

Student Organizations are invited to complete the Summer Supercharge funding application form.

You must have at least 2 dedicated students to coordinate and act on behalf of your organization to be considered for Summer Supercharge funding. For organizations that may have ambitious plans for the summer but not the executive capacity to coordinate them, we have a team of Senators dedicated to assisting with the development of Summer Supercharge programs that can work directly with your organization.

What events are part of the Summer Supercharge Initiative?

Events are based on the demand of students. Strong applications for funding may have a list of summer students who've expressed interest in the events your organization plans to host. These must be on-campus events or those which happen within the Chicago area.

Guidance for events can be gathered from members of your organization or data we have collected. (see chart)

Member Organizations

Could Be Yours

Led by:

Could Be You

Led by:

Jorge Plascencia and Zaigham Shaikh

Could Be Yours

Led by:

Could Be You