Senate Meeting Recaps

An International SGA
Notes - SGA Member Meetings

17 April Senate Session 

Thanks everyone who came to this week's Senate Session! Here is a quick recap from the meeting! See the slides to the left for more information.

Click HERE to view a livestream of the meeting.

1. Executive Officer Swear-Ins

Welcome to the new executive board! The incoming members officially took up their roles today, bringing in 6 new people to the board. Stay tuned to learn more about the new executives and say farewell to the outgoing ones!

2. Founding the International Committee

After swear-ins, Jacob H. Thomas proposed a new committee, signed by the VP of Academic Affairs Ishaan Goel, to begin “An International SGA,” in which a Special Committee on International Student Affairs is founded. Again, stay tuned to learn more about the committee itself, its leaders, and how to get involved! 

3. Healing and Delegation: An Update

Two weeks ago, AVP (at the time) Thomas  delegated items inspired by previous SGA discussion to focus groups. These consisted of topics such as procedures for committees to accomplish tasks, methods to better connect the SGA with student orgs, and resolutions to issues at Commons. After a brief break for each focus group to gather again and discuss with non-voting members, groups proposed their solutions to the Senate to engage in a collectively collaborative environment. See below to hear what was presented and the main points discussed.

4. Addressing Harassment In & Out of Commons

During Open Floor three weeks ago, a student voiced a concern about the new layout for Commons and how it breeds new opportunities for harassment, while also illuminating longstanding issues. The focus group presented five main points to address these issues. This can be found at the 1:12:44 timestamp in the recording.

5. Improving Engagement with Student Organizations

Resultant from a disconnect between Finance Board and Senate, and Senate and Student Orgs, a focus group presented the ideas of inviting Finance Board members to Senate Sessions, offering incentives to Student Orgs to attend Senate Sessions, as well as opening hours for orgs get support from SGA members, all found at 1:19:30.

6. Improving Effectiveness of Committees

A talking point of the recent elections was the ineffectiveness of the Senate both within meetings and collectively. The solution presented to solve this creates a streamlined procedure to maintain accountability for each committee both within the senate and from the student population. The proposed solution is at the 1:38:40 timestamp.

6. Announcements & Open Floor: A Ricobene's Sponsorship & Upcoming Earth Day Clean-Up Event

Finally, former Senator Maya Bajorek announced a Clean Up event for Earth Day to take place on April 21st at noon. If you’re interested, RSVP! Also, Jacob H. Thomas presented the updated Research Affairs Committee page and announced the new SGA sponsorship from Ricobene’s, giving all Student Orgs 25% off!

SGA's 2023-2024 Senate Meetings

We meet weekly from 6:30 - 8:30 PM in Stuart Building Room 113. We welcome all students who are interested in learning more about SGA to attend these meetings!

2019-2020 Voting Records

Voting Records