College of Architecture | Institute of Design | Center for Learning Innovation

invite you to the Symposium

Empowering Collaborative Culture through Active Learning Spaces

Internal Multidisciplinary Symposium

with Invited IIT Speakers


Friday, October 23, 2020 9:00AM-1:00PM


Active Learning

  • Discussing how space becomes a learning tool to support human and student-centered approaches.

  • Explicating the basic principles of active learning pedagogy and the impact of digital learning tech on physical space needs and perception.

  • Discussing how traditional, formal learning spaces tend to inculcate and perpetuate static, passive modes of teaching and the benefits of informal spaces.

  • Considering how to foster the collaborative and student-centered dynamics that drive active learning to empower collaboration between students, the engagement between faculty and students, and collaboration between departments.

Active Collaboration

  • Opening a dialogue regarding developing a collaborative culture and how it affects the practical use of space across the campus, by bringing together multiple intelligences of students-faculty-staff across multiple disciplines.

  • Highlighting the diverse needs of each discipline toward enhancing students’ and faculty’s success and to identify and uncover opportunities for collaboration and innovation across the community.

  • Leveraging our internal expertise and engaging the institutional community in meaningful discussions about how to understand, benefit from, and improve our learning spaces, by adapting facilities to support the evolving learning culture as well as to align with Illinois Tech’s strategic goals.

Active Legacy

  • Growing into the future - the opening of Kaplan Institute, the first new academic building in forty years on this historic campus, inspires us to reflect on, discuss, and reimagine the dynamic relationship between physical spaces and learning; architecture and pedagogy and the future following history.

  • Considering the range of IIT’s current physical and digital platforms and their baseline affordances.

  • Engaging and moving past implicit limitations by exploring current IIT’s physical spaces and new opportunities in utilizing unused spaces.


PART 1- Introduction



Host - Cynthia Vranas Olsen, Director of Mies van der Rohe Society

Peter Kilpatrick, Provost

Jamshid Mohammadi, Dean, Graduate College, and Interim Dir, CLI

Reed Kroloff, Dean, College of Architecture

Denis Weil, Dean, Institute of Design


Opening Presentation

Learning Cultures, Learning Spaces — Why design matters

Anat Mor-Avi, Architecture / Kristin Jones, Architecture / Ruth Schmidt, Design

While all of us regularly inhabit and function within learning and cultural spaces — both physical and digital — the disciplines of architecture and design play a unique role in conceiving of, programmatically developing … more

PART 2- Active Learning and Active Collaboration: “Pecha-Kucha” presentations


Institutional Supports for active Learning and Collaboration at IIT

Carol Emmons / Kelly Roark / Lital Pascar, Center for Learning Innovation

The Center for Learning Innovation (CLI) was established to provide pedagogical, technological and cultural support to Illinois Tech faculty. This presentation will describe an array of options potentially available to faculty, more


Space as Empowerment

Ullica Segerstrale, Social Sciences, Lewis College of Science and Letters

Settings typically send signals about how they are to be used. We don’t typically disobey these, and it may be hard to do so anyway. Nailed down benches in classrooms are just that - nailed down - more


Promoting Positive Well-Being: Considerations for Learning Spaces

Nicole Ditchman, Psychology, Lewis College of Science and Letters

Positive psychology is the scientific study of strengths, behaviors, and environments that promote well-being and enable individuals and communities to thrive. more


Library space as a reflection of changes in learning culture

Devin Savage, Dean of Libraries, Paul V. Galvin Library

It should not be a surprise to anyone in higher education to hear that students study at the library, and that they are doing so in increasing numbers. However, the way in which students study, work, and learn together has shifted in recent years. more


Synthesis Reed Kroloff, Dean, College of Architecture




Questions for Physical Spaces in Digital Times

Lance Fortnow, Dean, College of Computing

COVID-19 has accelerated a number of trends including working from home, on-line ordering of groceries, food delivery, in-home entertainment and much more. Notably we’ve seen a necessary quick and dramatic shift in academics - more


The Entrepreneurial Mindset as a Model for an Effective Learning Culture

Nik Rokop, Stuart School of Business

Life long learning, soft skills, ethics, diversity, inclusion, equity, innovation, and entrepreneurship…while it may be obvious that all these are important for success in entrepreneurship, how do these concepts work to enhance the learning culture of a technological university? more


Models of Active Learning in Armour College of Engineering

Geoffrey Williamson, Armour College of Engineering

COVID-19 has accelerated a number of trends including working from home, on-line ordering of groceries, food delivery, in-home entertainment and much more. more


Leading a culture of innovative pedagogy through future learning spaces

Einat Gil, School of Education, Seminar Hakibutzim

The design of learning spaces became a current topic in the practice of higher education institutions, k-12 schools as well as in Horizon, OECD and academic research reports. more


Synthesis Reed Kroloff, Dean, College of Architecture

PART 3 - Active Legacy: Roundtable discussions


Provocation and break out

Cynthia Vranas Olsen, Director of Mies van der Rohe Society

Reed Kroloff, Dean, College of Architecture


Roundtable discussions

Choice of 8 (first-come, first served basis)


Remarks from the roundtables

Self-appointed representatives



Anat Mor-Avi and Kristin Jones