LAboratory for Modeling and Computation in Imaging and Genetics (LAMCIG)

Boris Gutman, Ph.D. (Principal Investigator)

At LAMCIG, we develop computational methods to jointly analyze brain MR images arising from multiple modalities. We hope to fuse knowledge from cortical and subcortical anatomy, macroscopic brain connectivity, microscopic tissue properties and cellular dynamics to model neurological disease progression. As a parallel goal, we also explore effects of genetic control on imaging phenotypes and the subsequent possibility of genetic discovery, known more recently as “imaging genetics.” Our algorithm development relies heavily on tools from statistical learning and differential geometry.


Yuji Zhao paper accepted at ISBI

Yuji Zhao’s paper, “Spatially Adaptive Morphometric Knowledge Transfer across Neurodegenerative Diseases,” has been accepted at the ISBI 2021 conference for oral presentation. Congratulations to Yuji!

Lab gets RAPID award

LAMCIG has received the Alzheimer’s Association Rapid Program in Dementia (RAPID) award for our project “Extending Disconnectome Markers of Alzheimer’s Disease.” RAPID provides funding for early career researchers who are currently funded with an active Alzheimer’s Association award to ensure their research projects are able to progress despite challenges from the SARS-CoV2 pandemic.


Featured Collaboration


The ENIGMA Consortium brings together researchers in imaging genomics to understand brain structure, function, and disease, based on brain imaging and genetic data. We welcome brain researchers, imagers, geneticists, methods developers, and others interested in cracking the neuro-genetic code.