T.O.P. - Education without borders

IISS Salvatore Pugliatti


IISS Pugliatti

Our high school

The I.I.S.S. "Salvatore Pugliatti" represents a single training pole that unites in itself the identity of:

- vocational colleges, which have a solid foundation of general and technical vocational education, enabling students to develop the knowledge and skills needed to meet the training needs of the relevant productive sector;

- technical institutes, which have a solid scientific and technological cultural base in line with the European Union’s guidelines, offering a variety of different training courses.

The young people of the Ionian Riviera can choose the path towards which they feel most suited, choosing between:

1.   Professional Institute for Food and Wine and Hospitality Services

2.   Professional Institute for Industry and Crafts

3.   Technical Institute for the Economic Sector:

4.   Technical Institute for Technology:



Pugliatti school - 2°A Sophia Colosi.pptx
IISS Pugliatti of Furci Siculo.pdf