Neha Jawalkar
Neha Jawalkar
I am a third year PhD student at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. I work at the Computer Systems Lab, and am advised by Dr. Arkaprava Basu. I have worked on virtual memory in GPGPUs, and am currently exploring the potential of GPUs as accelerators of cryptography. My CV can be found here.
Email: j a w a l k a r p [at] i i s c [dot] a c [dot] i n
Improving GPU Multi-tenancy with Page Walk Stealing
Improving GPU Multi-tenancy with Page Walk Stealing
Neha Jawalkar*, B Pratheek*, Arkaprava Basu
* joint first authors
Proceedings of 27th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), February 2021
Best paper nominee
[paper] [7-min talk] [20-min talk]