Shruti Nagpal

About Me

I am currently working as a Research Scientist at Sony AI in the Ethics team. Prior to this, I was an AI/ML expert at Technology Garage, IBM India.

I was a PhD student at the Image Analysis and Biometrics Lab, IIIT-Delhi, under Dr. Mayank Vatsa and Dr. Richa Singh. My research was supported via the TCS  PhD fellowship.  My areas of research are centered around machine learning in the domain of computer vision, specifically face recognition. I am also interested in the area of Ethics in AI, fairness and bias of AI. I have a keen interest in applying my knowledge to solve problems in the real world which have the ability to bring about change in the world.

I have over 30 peer reviewed publications at various journals and conferences, several of them at top conferences such as ICCV and AAAI. Over the course of my PhD, I have also received recognition and awards at various levels in terms of awards and grants. I am a recipient of the Google Women Techmakers  scholarship program, and was a part of the team awarded the 'Ethics in AI' award by Facebook, to highlight a few. As a part of my PhD, I have also mentored several undergraduate students on their projects.  During my PhD, I was also a visiting scholar at West Virginia University, USA under Dr. Afzel Noore from October 2016 - June 2017. Prior to this, I completed my Bachelors of Technology (CSE) from IIIT-Delhi (2015).

You can also find me on Google Scholar, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Attended FAT*20202 held at Barcelona, Spain. Received ACM travel support. 

Part of team to receive Facebook's Ethics in AI research award, 2019

Received Google student travel scholarship to attend GHC 2019 at Orlando, USA

Received Dean’s Award for Innovation Research and Development, Foundation Day, IIIT-Delhi, 2019 

Selected for the Doctoral Consortium at ICCV 2019

Received travel support from ACM IARCS to attend ICCV 2019

Paper accepted at ICCV 2019 to be held at Seoul, Korea

Visited Google's APAC HQ at Singapore, 2018