1st One Day Workshop on Data Science Using R (2018)

Venue - IIIT Delhi, Okhla Phase 3, Delhi 110020

Inspiration: "Data Scientist" is the #1 profession in America for 2017, according to Glassdoor, with $123,000 as the median base salary currently paid to the data science professionals. The US alone suffers from a shortage of 190000 data scientists. India being a global IT leader has a significant prospect for this role. Data science is a multi-disciplinary subject. It cuts across statistics, mathematics, machine learning and optimization. In this one-day workshop, we will provide a primer on the subject through intense lecture cum hands-on sessions. We will work on problems arising from industries.

Who should attend: Students, faculty, researchers & Industry professionals who are working or interested in Biological data sciences field and require a short training in R should attend this workshop.

Major Topics/Themes

  • Introductory ML
  • Introductory Statistics
  • Art of data visualisation
  • Case studies
  • Big data with H2O

Contact : For any further queries please mail us at ccb@iiitd.ac.in

RSVP - Debarka Sengupta (debarka@iiitd.ac.in)