Today at IES Valle de Aller we've celebrated Star Wars Day  and we've hosted a contest relating to the Original Trilogy. Our students were given a couple of weeks so that they could watch the three movies of the saga and get ready for the final challenge. They organised teams of 4 players each and faced this Kahoot! (which was partially designed by Hugo and Samuel from 4º ESO). 

As a warming up the students in 1º Bachillerato enjoyed a gamified experience hosted by Miguel, the English teacher, consisting in becoming one of the characters' in the saga.

But before we could start the challenge there was a lot of work to do and the students in 4º ESO were the ones in charge of the task. First step consisted in the preparation of delicious Star Wars shaped butter cookies (thanks to the molds previously printed by Eduardo at the school's 3D printer). Our Department of Vocational Training specializes in Cooking, Catering and Hostel Management and this enables us to boost all our projects with the priceless help of the teachers and the facilites. It would have been impossible to prepare the cookies without the helping hand of Eleonora, who gladly joined the project from the very beggining or the patience and wise instructions of Félix.

While the cookies were in the oven we got our hands on the (alcohol free) coktails: Rebel Alliance (Red cocktail for the Rebellion fans) and Imperial Brew (Blue cocktail for the followers of the Empire ). Ana and Paula were the teachers who trained our students for this difficult but sweet task. 

Having finished with our duties at the kitchen we went back to our classroom where we found that students from all the different levels and departments of the school were already set and waiting for the final challenge. Even Astrid, Phisics teacher, joined one of the teams and many other teachers like Eduardo, Félix, Miguel (Maths), Miguel Ángel, Juan Luis and Nacho came to join us and have a nice time enjoying the experience and giving special support to their students.


And right after the contest the moment we all were waiting for... the Award Ceremony.

All the participants got their prize but only the winner team deserved the most desired award: The Medal of Bravery of Yavin4 (Thanks to Eduardo who 3dprinted them, Miguel who painted them and Belén who sewed the ribbons to the medals).

And the winning team with an astonishing 95% of correct answers was The Mandalorians, formed by Sergio, Vicky, Samuel y Pedro from 1º Bachillerato.

Closely followed by The order of Jar (Víctor, Aarón, Manu and Álvaro from 2º ESO) and Haber-Vaders (Dani, David, Roberto and Astrid/Nico from 2º de Bachillerato), both teams got 90% of the correct answers.

And of course, the rest of the teams, who also received their well deserved ovation and their picture at our photocall: 4º Bilingüe , Chaval , Terelu Love, Nasi, The Marsupials and The Yesterdarians

We can't conclude without thanking everyone who made it possible to hold this celebration: Miguel (English) and Belén who had the initial idea and all the teachers and students who got involved in this project. Thanks so much to everyone and ..... May the force be with you ;)