An American Presidential Campaign

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2nd of ESO Students in Torre del Palau don't like how things are going on in the Political world. They understood that our world need a change in terms of leadership. As it is Presidents' Day in the USA, and we are dealing with the US at the moment, they have decided to build up a campaign with older presidents who are considered important within the history of this wonderful Country, after watching Lin Manue Miranda's musical Hamilton

In this webpage you are going to find two more pages with the videos and posters created by our students. this is a compilation of both times the project was developed, in 2017 and 2019 and in 2021.

Here you have the project the teachers prepared with instructions, guiding framework, oral evaluation rubric and scaffolding.

President's project ( presidential campaign) 1.docx
Poster Band.docx
oral presentation.docx
rubric oral presentation.docx
Competency-based activity template Presidential Campaign.docx
Competency-based activity template- Bonet & Mont 2022.docx