Portfolio LTT3

From the 15th to 19th November

in Skara (Sweden)

Day 1

Today was a really busy day.

We arrived at school at eight o'clock and our Swedish hosts showed us around their school.

Then, at nine o'clock we started each country's presentations. The Swedish students started by talking about their country. Then they gave a funny presentation about how we should behave in Sweden (in many ways the opposite to the way we behave in Spain) and then we learned about Swedish history. We were next and we were really nervous but our presentation went quite well.

About ten o'clock they gave us "Fica". This is kind of a sweet snack typical in Sweden. After this we kept on with the other presentations and at twelve we had lunch at the school.

Next we played some games to get to know each other. Furthermore, we had three different quizzes about the European Union. In addition, we had a scavenger hunt around the school.

We left school and we took the bus to a mall in Skovde. Some of us had a big sandwich and then we went to play laser tag. We had fun! At the end of the day we had dinner at home.

Day 2

Today was the quietest day of the trip according to our host.

When we arrived at the high school we were waiting for the activity to start with the other exchange students from Belgium in a room with some sofas (we found it very curious that they have these kinds of "rest rooms" everywhere).

Then we listened to a two-hour talk about the Sami, a small group of people living in Lapland. Between the two hours of class we had a Fika.

The last activity in the school was lunch and later we went to the cinema to watch a movie related to the Sami, called "Sami blood.” The movie was about a girl who suffered discrimination for belonging to the Sami group and escapes from her school to start a new life.

When the movie finished, each of the exchange students made different plans with our host, for example, Belen and Irene went to the forest and Elena and Natalia baked cookies and muffins.

The day has ended early as tomorrow we are leaving for Stockholm. WE ARE VERY EXCITED!

day 3

On Wednesday we went to Stockholm, the capital city of Sweden.

We visited some museums and we had lunch at the army museum. We took a boat to go to the Vasa museum, where you can see the world's best preserved 17th century ship and the most visited museum in Scandinavia. They recovered the ship after being on the sea bed for over 300 years.

Later, we went to the old part of town, where we spent our free time walking around the city. Then it was time to go back on the high speed train!

Day 4

Today was a day dedicated to museums.

At nine o’clock we met near the Västergötlands Museum and we had a walk around some old houses, farms,...Then we visited the veterinarian museum where we watched a film about its foundation and had a guided tour. It was really interesting to see all the equipment of that time.

After that, we had lunch at the Västergötlands Museum and then we also had a guided tour there. We learned a lot about some archeological findings in Skara and its history. At 1 o’clock we had "fika"with all the other students and then we continued our visit.

When we finished our tour, we had free time in the afternoon with our hosts and we had a great time! Some of us went shopping and others visited a nearby town.

Day 5

Today we arrived at school at 8:00 o'clock and we had to work on different padlets to share everything we had learned during the week. When we finished, we went to have lunch at school. After that, we went ice skating and it was really exciting! We went back to school to work on the final evaluation of the project. When we finished, we went bowling. It was so much fun! Then we went to a taco buffet and we loved it. To finish the day we went shopping to get some Swedish sweets to take to Spain for our families.