Subject Objetives

  • Make students understand the changes that the Industrial Revolution caused in the environment, both in the countryside and in the cities.

  • Help them realise how the landscape has changed due to the agricultural revolution of the 18th century.

  • Make them aware of the beginning of the industrial pollution due to the use of new energy sources such as coal and oil.

  • Make them reflect about the history of the traditional energy sources, how polluting they are, and the need to develop alternative energy sources, that don’t deteriorate the environment.


  • The apparition of factories. The changes in the urban landscape. The growth of cities.

  • The coal as the main energy source of the First Industrial Revolution. Its impact on the environment.

  • The changes in the landscape: from openfields to enclosures.

  • The energy sources of the Second Industrial Revolution: electricity and oil. Their implementation in the improvement of the urban services.


  • Video and text about the differences between life before and after the Industrial Revolution. Discussion with the students in class.

  • Video about the inventions of the Second Industrial Revolution. Discussion about their pros and cons (mini debates)

  • Participation in the bilingual gymkana with questions about the topics mentioned above.


Two sessions and the gymkana


  • Task 1

  • Task 2

Life before the I. Revolution.pdf
Second IR and Victorian Era lesson.pdf

Portfolio / Assessment

  • The participation of the students will be assessed as established in the syllabus designing of the subject (up to 0.5 points extra to the term grade).
