13-17 March: No School (Spring Break)


Hello ICS Community,

Dear ICS Community,

A BIG Thank You to everyone who shared the excitement and joy of our International Day last Saturday. We had an even larger turnout than last year! We would like to especially thank our PTO members, Parents, Teachers, Students, and every ICS employee who contributed to make this event a success. International Day is our opportunity to showcase all that we can be when we strive to work together to make our community and our world a better place. It provides us the opportunity to share the best of us. What a rich learning experience for all of our children!

Please enjoy some photos and video clips taken for you by our tireless and talented Communications Team. Please check out the ICS social media pages for more! (links are also available in the footnote section of the Weekly). 

After the March Break, we look forward to the PTO Taste of Africa, NHS Coffee House, Start of Season 3 After School Activities, Addis Alumni event and much more when we return! 

Wishing you all a restful March Break and see you all on Monday, 20 March. 

Have a great weekend.

Kind regards,

Earl Chamberlin | Head of School 

Announcing the ICS Parent Portal

We are excited to announce that in direct response to your feedback, we have consolidated all the information and resources you need as an ICS parent into one single location: the ICS Parent Portal. Please read this email sent to all parents on Thursday, which will give you more information about the portal, its coming launch, and help make sure you have access. More information will be shared from the school immediately after the Spring Break.  

Student Portrait Session

If your child was not present for their scheduled school portraits earlier this school year, there will be one more opportunity to ensure they get a photo for the yearbook. Your child will be informed when we return from spring break if they do not have a picture, and will be given a time on Thursday 23 March to have their photo taken. Please note this is not an opportunity for students to retake photos; this is only open for students who do not yet have a picture for the school year. Thank you for your understanding! 

PowerSchool Update

Please note that the PowerSchool parent/student portal will be down for a software upgrade from Saturday, 11 March to Sunday, 12 March.

Reminder: As we mentioned in an email sent to Middle and High School parents on Monday, some temporary internet restrictions are preventing parents from accessing PowerSchool on their computer browsers like Chrome and Safari. Until access is restored, please see the email linked above for instructions on how to download and use the PowerSchool mobile app. Thank you for your understanding.  

Improved communication is coming… after the March break, PowerSchool will automatically send an email update to the parents ICS email account anytime their child visits the ICS Health Office. The email will show why your child came to the health office and any additional information that you need to know.  Please let us know any feedback as we work to improve this system and communication with the Healh Office. 

Important Notes

After School Activities (ASAs)
MS and HS Students NOT enrolled in an ASA after school MUST GO HOME staring March 27; these students may not wait in the Lower Commons.  Only students with siblings in ASAs will be allowed to stay on campus in the Lower Commons.


Lost and Found

Our lost and found storage is now full of unclaimed items. As we don't have any other storage space available, these items will be on display near the gymnasium until tomorrow, 10 March. Please take a few minutes to stop by the lost and found and collect your children's belongings. Unclaimed items will be donated during the March Break.

ICS Lunch Account - Payments

Kind reminder: Please monitor your child's prepaid lunch account and top up their balance.  Parents receive debit and credit information via your ICS parent email.  You or your student can make a payment at the Cashiers Office.

Leaving ICS?

If you plan to leave ICS between now and the end of the second semester, please notify ICS in writing at least two weeks before your last day, so we can be prepared for your departure. Please send a notification email to registrar@icsaddis.org.   

Hot Lunch Buffet - MENU

ICS offers a hot lunch buffet for students each day with a variety of meal options.  Students are able to purchase a hot lunch using their student ID.  Parents and are able to put money on their student's lunch account at the Cashiers Office.  

Community Access Policy & Programs HERE

Please note that ONLY Gate 1 (main gate) and Gate 6 (near the Library) will be available for entry on campus on weekends.

Internet Access on Campus

Network name: GuestNet

Username: parent

Password: ICSRocks2223#

ICS Calendar and Events

Visit the website calendar HERE for the most up to date events and activities. You can subscribe to the ICS calendar through the RSS feed. HERE is a video to subscribe using a google calendar and HERE is a video to subscribe using an iCal calendar. Please note there is no sound.

The 2023-24 School Year Calendar is now available.  This calendar shows the basic start and end dates and the No School and Holiday days.  

ICS Parent Emails

If you have any questions about your ICS Parent Email, please email from another account: help.desk@icsaddis.org- response time within 24 hours on weekdays.

For tips on how to access and forward your ICS Parent Email account, click HERE.

Student Store Hours

Open to parents and students to pay and pick up items and shop.

You can pre-order items from the online student store.

ICS Vehicle Stickers 

Please complete the vehicle sticker form  HERE and submit to the ICS Security Office by the main gate. This helps our security to monitor and identify cars during drop-off & pick up and when cars are parked around the ICS campus. 

ICS ID Badges

Please make sure you have your ICS ID badge to enter campus. 

Questions, email: info@icsaddis.org

Parent / Student Updates & Forms - In PowerSchool /PS

The following mandatory forms can be completed in PowerSchool. HERE is a video showing you how to access forms in PowerSchool. HERE is a PDF of how to log into PS

Guardianship Form

As part of our Child Protection Policy, parents who are out of the country for more than one day must designate an official guardian for their children by submitting the guardianship authorization form through PowerSchool. In the unlikely event of a health or disciplinary concern, we need to be able to contact someone locally with the authority to make medical and disciplinary decisions. A guardian is not necessary if one parent is still present. 

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