Kindergarten Readiness

Kdg. Readiness

          How Do I Know If My Child Is Ready for Kindergarten?
                             by Julie Lacina

Many parents often wonder if their child is really ready for the 
kindergarten  experience.  The most important question to ask yourself 
is "Is my child socially and  emotionally ready to fully participate in a 
school experience?"  

An important question to ask is... Does my child want to go to 
kindergarten?  Most children who are socially, emotionally, physically and 
mentally ready for school want to go to kindergarten.  They view it as a 
challenge and an exciting place to be. Self motivation is the best reason 
for a child to want to learn.

School requires many things of a child, including the ability to sit for a 
period of time, to concentrate, to pay attention and fit into classroom 
routines.  Children must also be able to separate from the security of home, 
to understand and remember to do assigned tasks, manage personal belongings 
and their own clothing, follow two or three part directions, express their 
needs clearly and master fine motor skills such as cutting, drawing a 
picture and copying simple shapes and letters.  Finally, they must be able 
to cope with peers and to respect the needs of others.

These abilities demand a kind of neurological and emotional maturity that 
not all 5 or 6 year olds possess. It is important to be absolutely sure a 
child is ready to handle the various tasks and stresses of school.  "Late 
bloomers" deserve to be identified and respected and even to be held back 
until they are ready for all aspects of a school experience.  Very few 
parents regret waiting an extra year.  

Characteristics of physical, emotional and social maturity are far more 
important measures of kindergarten readiness than knowing the correct answer 
to 3 + 3.  It is far better to be towards the top of one's class emotionally 
than towards the bottom.  A child's eagerness to learn and the feeling that 
he or she is in control of their learning makes all the difference.  Many 
parents often wonder if their child is really ready for the kindergarten  
experience.  The most important question to ask yourself is "Is my child 
socially and  emotionally ready to fully participate in a school 

          Prepare Your Child for Kindergarten 

Checklist of Kindergarten Milestones

In kindergarten, your child will learn many of the basic skills needed to 
read, write, and do math. He’ll also learn to get along with others and to 
follow rules. 

The German word kindergarten means “a child’s garden,” and this first year 
of formal school will be filled with opportunities to plant seeds of 
learning for your child. 

What kindergarten teachers hope to see on the first day of school are 
children who are healthy, mature, capable, and eager to learn. In reality, 
however, they welcome all children into their classrooms regardless of what 
they can or cannot do. Their mission is to help all students grow in 
physical, social, behavioral, and language skills so they are prepared for 
the challenges of first grade. 

There’s no perfect formula that determines when children are truly ready for 
kindergarten. But you can use this checklist to see how well your child 
progresses in acquiring these skills throughout the year. 

Don’t worry if your child seems to have only a handful of these skills the 
first time you read the lists. Check the skills he has mastered, then review 
the lists every month to see what additional skills he can accomplish 
easily. Young children learn so fast! He/She may struggle with a skill this 
month but have it mastered the next. You will be amazed to see how many 
items you can check by the end of the year! 

Physical Development and Motor Skills 

Does your child:

manage his own bathroom needs?
dress himself (coat, socks, shoes)? 
cut two-inch circles with scissors?
trace basic shapes with some control? 
identify picture likenesses and differences?
identify basic colors? 
recognize groups of one, two, three, four, and five objects?
count to 10?
sort similar objects by color, size, and shape? 
notice the difference between textures?
use a fork properly? 
print his name in capital letters?
play bounce-and-catch with a big ball? 
hop forward on one foot and backward with both feet?
change direction when running? 
walk down stairs using alternate feet?
initiate his own leisure-time activities? 

Social and Behavioral Skills

Does your child:

listen to stories without interrupting? 
pay attention for short periods of time to adult-directed tasks? 
do tasks the first time asked? 
follow two or three oral directions? 
finish one activity before starting another? 
understand that actions have both causes and effects? 
take turns and share with others?
enjoy interacting with four to five children without continual supervision? 
know how to follow rules? 
recognize authority figures? 
respect other people’s property? 
show an interest in the outside world, beyond home and school?
enjoy pretend play, imitating adult roles? 
work independently? 
spend time apart from you without being upset? 

Language Skills

Does your child:

speak understandably? 
talk in complete sentences of five to six words? 
use compound sentences? 
use contractions? 
look at pictures and then tell stories? 
relate a familiar story without picture clues? 
explore a variety of roles through creative play? 
recognize rhyming sounds? 
show understanding of general times of day? 
tell the days of the week in order? 
identify the beginning sound of some words? 
sing the alphabet song and know some letters? 
recognize some common sight words such as “stop”? 
know his address and phone number? 
tell a simple joke? 
tell a simple story in sequence? 
ask the meaning of new words?

How to prepare your kids for kindergarten

‘Today’ contributor Dr. Ruth Peters gives advice to parents on getting their children ready for longer 
days, homework and more

By Ruth A. Peters, Ph.D.

School is quickly approaching, and for many five- and six-year-olds it’s a whole new world —
kindergarten. The big enchilada: real school, homework, larger classes, longer days, and crowded 
hallways. So how do parents prepare their little ones? Clinical psychologist Dr. Ruth Peters was 
invited on "Today" to help parents get their kids off to a running start.

Many children, especially those with older siblings, have longed for this rite of passage. But, others 
may be fearful of the change from the often small, loving and comfortable preschool situation. How 
to make this an easier, more fun transition for your little one? Well, attention to a few issues and 
some major empathy on your part will do the trick. Usually your child’s concerns fall into two 
categories — getting through the day in one piece (schedules, how the day will proceed) and 
emotional fears.  Let’s begin with the basics:

Getting the lay of the land
Where’s the bathroom and when can I use it? 
Good question, one deserving of a very concrete, complete and definite answer! Many kindergarten 
classrooms are set up with a bathroom or two situated right in the classroom so that the little kids 
don’t mingle with the older students or have to travel outside of the class (and find their way back!) 
every time Nature calls!  Also, hand washing time is much easier if the sink is just a few steps away. 
Tell your child that the teacher will have a policy about when and how to use the bathroom. Often, 
it’s on an as-needed basis, or the child may have to ask to be excused from the learning 
environment. But, it’s usually a quick and easy process and the other students usually don’t notice a 
frequent potty user, if that’s one of your kid’s concerns. 

 What if I don’t make it to the bathroom and have an accident? 
Another good question, and again, easily answered! It’s quite common for teachers to request an 
extra set of underwear and pants, packed in a large zip-locked plastic bag just for this occasion. Tell 
your child that this is quite commonplace, and to just alert the teacher to their situation and a clean 
change of clothes will do the trick. No one else has to know about it, and therefore this is nothing to 
be concerned about.

What if I get hungry? Will they feed me?  
Yep, and it’s fun too. Explain about snack and lunch time, how your youngster will probably have the 
option of bringing both or buying lunch in the cafeteria. Discuss how snack will occur mid-morning 
and lunch an hour or so later in the day. Ask your son or daughter what they would like for you to 
pack, and let them consider making their own snacks and lunches either the night before or early in 
the morning. Discuss how snack usually occurs in the classroom at their tables (which they will be 
sharing with another child or two), and that lunch will take place in the larger cafeteria. Most 
kindergarten students are segregated during lunchtime to their own special tables and areas, so they 
don’t mix with the older kids. Take your child to a buffet or cafeteria style dining establishment and 
explain that the lunch line at school will be similar. This may also be a good, teachable moment to 
discuss some nutrition tips about selecting the best foods during lunchtime. Most local newspapers 
offer the public school lunch schedules and you and your child can review them before the school 
week begins.

Do I have to take a nap?
Sure, but you don’t have to fall asleep! By kindergarten, teachers realize that most kids won’t fall 
asleep (although some are out for the count within a few seconds of their heads hitting the cots!), 
but benefit from 45 minutes or so of rest and relaxation. Some teachers quietly read a book while 
others play soothing music. Emphasize that it won’t be an incredibly boring two hours of lying 
quietly on a cold floor! It’s often a sought-after respite by pooped-out kids and many enjoy listening 
to the stories.

Will I have homework like my older brother has?
Yes, but it will be fun and interesting is the only sane answer to this question! Many little ones look 
forward to the idea of homework as it reeks of being a “big kid.” Tell your child that there will 
probably be a few minutes of coloring, cutting or copying to do at the beginning of the year, but that 
it’s all fun, enjoyable stuff and that you, as a parent, can’t wait to help and get involved in the 
process. Make it a positive, exciting idea, not an activity to be dreaded.

What happens first?  Then what do we do? 
It’s a good idea to call the school and ask for a daily schedule of activities to review with your child.  
But, in general you can tell your son that the day begins by putting their book bags in their cubbies 
and meeting on the circle line for the morning ritual — the Pledge of Allegiance, a short discussion of 
the day’s events, the calendar reviewed and perhaps a story read. Then it’s on to some seat work, 
then center time, snack, recess, more seat work, and then lunch.  Usually this is followed by nap or 
quiet time, and then the “specials” (art, music, and dance).  Then it’s pack up and get ready for 
dismissal time.

Emotional issues
What if the other kids don’t like me?
Ugh, the dreaded fear of many children. Empathize with your child, telling her that most kids have a 
little worry about this, but are pleasantly surprised at how nice and friendly the children are. Remind 
her that all of her fellow students will be new to the situation and needing to make friends.  Explain 
that she’ll be placed, most likely, at a table with a few other kids and that she’ll have a chance to 
quickly get to know them. Recess is also a great place to make friends, as is lunch. You may want to 
role-play some “small talk” with your child, especially if she is on the shy side. Rehearse with dolls or 
stuffed animals before the school year begins. Try scripts like, “Hi, my name is Megan, what’s yours?” 
That’s sure to get a positive response as well as being a good conversation starter. Discuss how to 
join into others’ games, by saying — “Hey, that looks like fun and I know how to play four-square. 
Can I have a turn?” Another sure bet is to invite another kid to sit next to your child during snack 
time or recess. Explain to your child how others are probably feeling just as nervous or uncertain, 
and will love being invited to sit with, share activities, or play with your child.

What if you don’t pick me up on time?
That’s a common fear of little ones, and something that is usually under your control. Tell her that 
you’ll be in the car line on time (but don’t promise to be first — that’s definitely not always an option 
and really scares the kids when they don’t see your car heading up the line!). Let her know that she 
may have to wait a few minutes for you, but that’s normal and nothing is wrong. If your child rides a 
bus home or a van to day care, explain the process and how the adults will make sure that she’ll be 

What if the teacher doesn’t like me?
Explain to your child that kindergarten teachers are perhaps the nicest folks on Earth! They’ve 
chosen to work with little ones because they love children and are usually warm, funny and 
understanding people. Emphasize how your child can trust the teacher and go to him or her with any 

What if I’m the dumbest kid in the class?
This is a good entrée to getting out the crayons, pencils and scissors and reviewing with your little 
one some of the skills that will be needed in class. Review the colors, shapes, and the alphabet 
letters that she knows. Practice cutting, coloring and copying — but don’t overdo it.  Praise her effort 
(regardless of the final product) and let her know that she’s right on target for the beginning of the 
school year. Emphasize that raising her hand to answer questions (and not calling out the answers), 
sitting quietly on the circle line, and staying in her seat are responsibilities and skills that will need to 
be finely honed. It’s a good time to begin working on some of these at home, in the weeks before 
school begins.
And, don’t forget the excitement of shopping for the lunchbox, book bag, and school clothes.  Many 
kids love to wear a new outfit the first day, but don’t be surprised if your child decides on something 
that he wore at preschool.  It may be comforting to take a bit of the old with him as he enters into 
the new!

Finally, if possible, visit the school beforehand.  Try playing on the playground and looking into the 
classroom windows if a tour is available.  Review the floor plan of the building, at least the part 
between arrival at school and finding her classroom.  Discuss how you’ll handle that the first few 
days of school. If you can, arrange for a short meeting with the teacher and a quick look at the 
classroom. Be prepared for a bit of clinging the first week or so. Then, on the first day of school, 
hand the child over to the teacher (she’s the expert on this) and try to have a good day!

Kindergarten readiness
If you are concerned about your child’s readiness and want to do a quick brush-up on some of the 
skills, consider the following list that I’ve developed:

What are the signs of kindergarten readiness?  
Emotional/Behavioral Issues:
  •   Knows how to communicate his needs — can assert himself about his own materials and 
work, need to go to the bathroom, or feeling ill
  •   Can choose a preferred activity and complete it satisfactorily
  •   Can separate from parents without excessive anxiety or fussiness
  •   Can get along with peers in terms of sharing, taking turns, and appropriately entering into 
games on the playground
  •   Displays emerging independence in terms of making choices, asking for help from an 
adult other than a parent, and working alone on tasks
  •   Can sit still long enough to listen to a story or a lesson
  •   Is able to keep hands and feet to self and to not be disruptive in the classroom (excessive 
chatter, touching others’ possessions, not using an “inside voice”)
  •   Is cooperative and mature enough to complete tasks, especially those she’s not 
particularly interested in

Pre-Academic Readiness:
  •   Has shown an interest in listening to stories and having books read to him
  •   Recognizes some uppercase alphabet letters, especially those in her name
  •   Recognizes and knows the names of the primary colors as well as the basic shapes (circle, 
square, triangle, rectangle, diamond)
  •   Can count to 10 and understands the number/symbol relationship from 1 to 5 (child is 
able to count out 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 pencils when placed in front of her)
  •   Can copy some letters and numbers.  Don’t expect the child to have memorized the letters 
and numbers at this stage of development, just the ability to copy some in rough format.  Also, 
expect lots of reversals — “p” looks a lot like “q” and a “2” is often mistaken for a “5”!
  •   Fine motor skills are developed enough so that the child can color a large picture and keep 
the crayon on the page, although the crayon may not stay between the lines.

Social Skills:
  •   Can interact during play with another child — does not engage exclusively in either solo 
play or parallel play
  •   Can take turns, does not cut in line, understands and accepts the concept of “not always 
being first”
  •   Shows some empathy for others beside self — shows some concern if another child is 
crying or hurt
  •   Is not excessively grabby — allows others to use playground equipment or enter into the 
various classroom “centers”
  •   Can use words to express negative emotions, not aggressive actions
  •   When upset with a classmate, will seek out the teacher to help solve the problem
  •   Is not excessively shy, to the point of not being able to participate in classroom activities 
or to let needs be known

 Internet Resources

If searching the Internet for more information, remember to use as keywords 
both "school readiness" and "readiness for school." 

Back to School Time -- Tips to Help Children Adjust
Prepared by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, 
this offers tips on how both parents and teachers/early childhood 
professionals can help children adjust to their new surroundings.

Back to School Tips To Parents: Building Resiliency 
Leading child and adolescent development psychologists provide help for 
parents of children in kindergarten through eighth grade.

Getting Ready for School
This article discusses ways in which parents can prepare their children 
before the school year begins.

Helping Your Child Get Ready for School
This online booklet from the U.S. Department of Education lists activities 
that parents can do to help prepare their child for preschool or 

Kindergarten Readiness Checklist,1120,21-14779-1,00.html
While there's no perfect formula that determines when children are truly 
ready for kindergarten, you can use this checklist to see how well your 
child is doing in acquiring the skills found on most kindergarten checklists.

Ready or not...Preparing Young Children for the Classroom
Early school success depends somewhat upon the "match" between a child's 
skills and the school's expectations. Here are some suggestions of how 
parents and schools can promote a good match for every child.

Tips for Easy Back-to-School Transitions
The National Association for the Education of Young Children offer tips on 
what parents can do to make going back to school a pleasurable experience.

Library Resources

Books on this topic may be located in either the Children's or Adult area of 
your library classified under the Dewey number 372.21. They may also be in a 
special parenting collection in the Children's Area. Magazine and newspaper 
articles are available from your library's database collection. Your local 
librarian will be happy to help you locate the materials you need or visit 
your library online at


Going to School: How to Help Your Child Succeed (A Complete Guide for 
Parents of Children Ages 3-8) by Sharon Ramey. 
A comprehensive resource filled with proven strategies for parents to 
prepare children to start school and to help them succeed in the critical 
early years.

Helping Your Child Start School: A Practical Guide for Parents by Bernard 
Describes the emotional and physical makeup of the preschooler and shows the 
parent how to become a "resource center" for the child's development of self-

Kindergarten: It Isn't What It Used To Be: Getting Your Child Ready for the 
Positive Experience of Education by Susan Golant. 
Includes criteria for evaluating a good kindergarten program, explains how 
to help your child cope with the transition from home to school, and gives 
pointers on how to identify a great kindergarten teacher.

Preschool for Parents: What Every Parent Needs to Know About Preschool by 
Diane Dodge 
Preschool for Parents is a guide for finding and selecting a great, safe 
preschool and giving your child the best opportunity to learn, play and grow.

Smart Start: The Parents' Complete Guide to Preschool Education by Marian 
From choosing the right program to coping with separation anxiety, Smart 
Start helps parents identify quality programs that will provide preschoolers 
with the best opportunity for a successful learning experience.