Maria das Graças Volpe Nunes


São Carlos, SP, Brazil

I have a degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of São Carlos (1980), a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of São Paulo (1985) and a PhD in Informatics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1991). I worked as professor and researcher, from 1981 to 2013, at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences (ICMC), University of São Paulo (USP) in São Carlos, Brazil, where I currently work as senior professor. 

Research Areas

My research areas are Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (NLP), working mainly on the following subjects: spelling and grammar correction, automatic translation, textual normalization, automatic summarization, sentiment analysis, parsing and corpus annotation. 

Research Group

I am one of the founders, in 1993, of NILC - Núcleo de Linguística Computacional, the main group of research and development in NLP, responsible for the first grammar reviewer of Brazilian Portuguese, among other pioneer products and technological resources for Portuguese. In 2007, I was one of the founders of the Special NLP Group at the Brazilian Computer Society (CE-PLN). 

Current Activities

Since 2021, I work as a collaborator of the POeTiSA project of the Center for Artificial Intelligence -C4AI (FAPESP, USP, IBM), in tasks such as corpus annotation and support in the extension of a semantic repository for Portuguese according to the Universal Dependencies international model.

I am a member of the board of the group Brasileiras em PLN (Brazilian Women in NLP).