School Wide Interdisciplinary Project


SIP Overview

For those who remember, we typically start our year of learning with an Opening Project at school. This year, we will be expanding this project to a School-wide Interdisciplinary Project called S.I.P. This project will last 5 weeks. In addition to community building, S.I.P. will engage students in a rigorous academic routine, expectations, and skills that they will need to be successful during the school year. We have designed this project using the most up to date research and consensus on trauma informed pedagogy.

Given the circumstances surrounding remote learning, we feel it is especially important that students are given time to build community, form relationships and sustainable routines around online and/or blended learning. We want students to have the ability to be engaged, take risks, think critically, and form academic partnerships in a supportive environment unique to our school community.

During S.I.P., students will meet in both their advisory and mixed grade groupings. We believe that strong advisory bonds as well as mixed grade connections will push students thinking and communication and encourage them to achieve at their highest academic potential!

Please watch our video explaining SIP

All about SIP
Supplies Required:
  • at least 1 notebook (specifically for SIP) and something to write with every day.
  • Paper
  • Pens/pencils
We encourage students to also gather…
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • colored pencils/ markers
  • Folders (or other organizational tools)
If your family is in need of school supplies to be sent from school, please complete the School Supplies Form: