International Workshop on Expert Recommendation for Community Question Answering
in conjunction with SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM22)
Westin Alexandria Old Town | Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.
April 28 - 30, 2022
About XPERT4CQA 2022
Community question answering is a fundamental knowledge sharing service, with a strong impact on society. Essentially, the askers of a community post questions and rely upon the wisdom and collective intelligence of the repliers in that community, for their questions to be timely and effectively answered. Unfortunately, because of the growing number of both unanswered and newly-posted questions, repliers cannot timely answer, while askers do not necessarily receive satisfactory answers even after a long time. Expert recommendation is the process aimed to the timely sharing of high-quality knowledge from answerers to askers, which allows for routing questions to the most trustworthy expert repliers. This workshop proposal aims to provide a premier international forum on all aspects of interest to expert recommendation for community question answering. In particular, the workshop will
bring together practitioners and researchers from academia and industry, to discuss challenges, practices, principles and preliminary results, share ideas, develop innovative models, methods, techniques and tools;
provide a venue, where participants form an interdisciplinary research community, promoting scientific cooperation and exchanges within and across areas, for unprecedented synergistic insights and approaches;
advance research, through a focused analysis of open issues, emerging trends, unexplored directions and novel solutions.