Daphne Middle School 

Transition / New Student Information

Important Dates

(8th grade <Ablake@bcbe.org> and 7th grade <bhuertas@bcbe.org>)

Middle School Overview

Students are scheduled into a 7 period day

This includes 4 core classes (English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies), Physical Education, an enrichment class, and an academic intervention period. 

Course Registration

24_25 7th Course Selections paper.pdf
24_25 8th Course Selections paper.pdf

Course Descriptions

Honors, Advanced & Accelerated Course Criteria

Academic Intervention


Students in Baldwin County Public Schools are required to have a time during the school day for academic intervention support. At Daphne Middle School students are scheduled into one class period of intervention intermittently throughout the day. We call them FOCUS.


Students that are identified as gifted (coded as Project Jubilee in the elementary level) will be enrolled in a giffted intervention course. The interdisciplinary curriculum of each unit of study will emphasize higher-level abstract thinking and problem-solving skills. Instructional strategies include Socratic Questioning, simulations, problem-based learning, independent study, and service learning. This course is designed to encourage the capable student to develop his individual potential, to establish a climate that enhances intellectual skills, creativity, decision making, and to give students a forum in which to share the outcomes of their learning.

Grade Recovery

If a student fails a core class first semester they will be placed in a grade recovery course second semester to ensure mastery of grade specific content.

Enrichment Descriptions

Rising 7th Grade Enrichment Course Selection for 2024/25                                                         

Semester Courses

Full Year Courses:

Rising 8th Grade Enrichment Course Selection for 2024/25                                                          

Semester Courses:

Full Year Courses:


Peer Helpers

The Jennifer Claire Moore Foundation provides training, funding, and support for Peer Helper programs in all Baldwin County Public elementary, intermediate, middle and high schools, and several private school systems. Peer Helpers is built on the Positive Youth Development (PYD) framework in which the key principles include building on the strengths of young people, identifying risky behaviors early, and being proactive in addressing them. This framework helps to promote and engage young people, while instilling leadership qualities. Peer Helpers are students that are trained to confidentially listen to their classmates and participate in school/community service projects. The program is tailored to the needs of each school. In general, Peer Helpers participate in welcoming new students, leading kindness (anti-bullying) campaigns, presenting character education, and tutoring students. In addition, middle school Peer Helpers mentor students, present bullying prevention and intervention information, and mediate disputes between fellow students. 

Student Aides

Students will only be selected for one Student Aide position per year. Only 2 students are selected per period per semester for the library and office, for a total of 14 library aides and 14 office aides selected per year.