Hayan nam

I am a postdoctoral scholar at Iowa State University and my mentor is Steve Butler. I got my Ph.D. at University of California, Irvine with my advisor Nathan Kaplan. I am interested in Combinatorics and Number Theory. My research focuses on core partitions, integer partitions, numerical semigroups, and their geometric descriptions and applications using Ehrhart theory.

Contact: hnam@iastate.edu

Office: 443 Carver Hall


  1. Largest size of an (s,s+1)-core partition with parts of the same parity, (with M. Yu), (2019), submitted. 10pp. (available upon request)
  2. Large q convergence of random characteristic polynomials to random permutations and its applications, (with G. Cheong and M. Yu), (2019), submitted. 17pp. (available upon request)
  3. How to determine a partition up to conjugation using multisets of hook lengths, (with M. Yu), (2019), submitted. 9pp. (available upon request)
  4. A tiling proof of Euler's Pentagonal Number Theorem and generalizations, (with D. Eichhorn and J. Sohn), The Ramanujan Journal (accepted).
  5. On the genus of the quotient of a numerical semigroup, (with A. Adeniran, S. Butler, C. Defant, Y. Gao, P. Harris, C. Hettle, Q. Liang, and A. Volk), Semigroup Forum, Vol 98, (2019), 690--700.
  6. Johnson's bijections and their application to counting simultaneous core partitions, (with J. Baek and M. Yu), European Journal of Combinatorics, Vol 75, (2019), 43--54.
  7. A bijective proof of Amdeberhan's conjecture on the number of (s,s+2)-core partitions with distinct parts, (with J. Baek and M. Yu), Discrete Mathematics, Vol 341, (2018), 1294--1300.
  8. On the asymptotic distribution of cranks and ranks of cubic partitions, (with B. Kim and E. Kim), Journal of Mathematics Analysis and Applications, Vol 443, (2016), 1095--1109.
  9. On a conjecture of Soon-Yi Kang on a certain partition rank difference, (with B.Kim), The Ramanujan Journal, Vol 35, (2014), 467--477.


  1. Iowa State University
    • Undergraduate Research Program (ISMaRT)
      • The Frobenius number of triples (Spring 2020)
    • Teaching
      • Multivariate Calculus
  2. University of California, Irvine.
    • Volunteer for Math Circle (2014 - 2019).
    • Teaching Assistant for
      • Calculus
      • Multivariable Calculus
      • Introduction to Linear Algebra
      • Advanced Linear Algebra
      • Math for Economists
      • Introduction to Abstract Mathematics
      • Introduction to Group Theory
      • Combinatorics