FAD Preparation

Online workshop

Welcome to the online version of the Foreign Animal Disease Preparedness workshop, hosted by the Iowa Pork Industry Center. This online workshop consists of 3 videos (less than an hour total). You will learn about:

  • Status of African Swine Fever (ASF) worldwide
  • Signs of ASF and what to do if you observe them
  • What is being done to prevent FADs in the U.S.?
  • National movement standstill
  • Quarantine and control areas
  • Mass depopulation and disposal options
  • What steps can you take on your farm to prepare and protect your animals?
  • How resources in the Secure Pork Supply can help you prepare

Part 1: Status of ASF worldwide, signs of ASF, and what is being done to prevent foreign animal disease in the U.S.

Part 2: State and federal response to a foreign animal disease, national movement standstill, quarantine and control areas, and mass depopulation and disposal options.

Part 3: What steps can you take to prepare and protect your heard from African Swine Fever, or another foreign animal disease outbreak?