Free Rice - donates 10 grains of rice for every correct answer!

Check your bowl at the bottom to see how many grains you've donated. Who can donate the most today????

- Daily Schedules -

Marslender Homeroom

7:30-7:45 Breakfast

7:45-9:10 Math

9:10-9:15 Mask Break

9:15-10:05 Resources (P, C, L/G, A, P)

10:05-11:35 ELA

11:35-12:05 Lunch

12:15-1:00 Science

1:00-1:30 Recess (M, W) or HAK (T, Th)

1:30-2:05 Social Studies (Guidance-Tuesday on A week)

2:05-2:15 SEL

2:15-2:25 Vocab

2:25-2:55 Remediation

Beirne Homeroom

7:30-7:45 Breakfast

7:45-9:10 ELA

9:10-9:15 Mask Break

9:15-10:05 Resources

10:05-11:35 Math

11:35-12:05 Lunch

12:15-1:00 Science

1:00-1:30 Recess (M, W) or HAK (T, Th)

1:30-2:05 Social Studies

2:05-2:15 SEL

2:15-2:25 Vocab

2:25-2:55 Remediation

Weekly Vocabulary