St Illtyd Primary School

Be Ambitious, Be Creative, Be kind, Be YOU!

Welcome to the new St Illtyd Primary School Curriculum website

This website will give you information about our curriculum . We have designed it to be bespoke to our school. We no longer want to use 'off the shelf' schemes that are set in stone but instead give the children who come to our school the opportunity to develop the skills, knowledge and experiences that are relevant to them and develop them into life long learners.

In consultation with staff, governors, parents and children our new vision is to:

-create a fun environment where a high standard of learning takes place which encourages independence.

-develop a curriculum that provides a wide range of learning experiences that caters for the needs and abilities of all children in an ever changing technological world.

-celebrate and respect that we are all different and develop children who have skills for life in an ever changing world.

-work in partnership with parents and the wider community to create positive partnerships.

-develop a curriculum that has children at it's centre and promote well being as a fundamental part of this vision.

-be a school that collaborates, innovates and is forward thinking.

-ignite a life long passion for learning. 

Our new curriculum has been designed after consultation with all of our stakeholders via:

Staff training and surveys

A Governing Body working party made up of Parent Governors. This group have shared information with the wider school population and offered the chance for parents and carers to contribute via surveys and FAQ opportunities.

It will be kept under constant review as part of our roll out roadmap. 

November 2024- Where are we now? 

We have consistently reviewed our curriculum offer over the last 2 years.

Our themes and topics remain reactive to local and national events and there are some that are repeated favourites as highlighted by the children.

We are using a scheme to cover basic maths skills and PSHE.

All of our curriculum work is shared within the cluster and we have collaborated in many ways, most recently around progression.

This website will guide you through the background to the Curriculum for Wales, the Areas of Learning and Experience the children will have, the Four Purposes of the curriculum, how we intend to assess children's progress and how you can help and support them.

The School's prospectus can be found here: