Garth Olwg

Yr Ysgol Ganol

Mae’n bleser cael eich croesawu i dudalen Yr Ysgol Ganol. Mae blynyddoedd 5-8 yn rhan allweddol o siwrne addysgiadol disgybl ac rydym ni yn yr Ysgol Ganol yn hyderus y bydd cyfle i bob disgybl wneud cynnydd a chyflawni eu potensial.

It’s a pleasure to welcome you to our Middle School page. Years 5-8 is a critical phase in the educational journey of any pupil and we’re confident that all pupils in the Middle School will have the opportunity to progress and fulfill their potential.

Am fwy o wybodaeth neu gymorth ychwanegol, cysylltwch â:

For more information or further guidance, please contact:

Pennaeth yr Ysgol Ganol:

Mrs R Llwyd: 

01443 570063

Dirprwy Pennaeth yr Ysgol Ganol:

Mrs Yazmin Bradberry:

01443 570058

Anogwr Dysgu a lles / Aspirations and Achievements coach:

Miss Jenna Hart:

Bwletin 07/06/24

Bulletin 07/06/24

Bulletin 07.06.pdf
Bwletin 07.06 (2).pdf

Dyddiadau pwysig / Important dates

Calendr yr Ysgol Ganol

The Middle School Calendar

Ysgol Ganol.pdf

Amserlen Allgyrsiol

Extra Curricular Timetable

Amserlen Allgyrsiol 23.docx (7 ...-1.pdf