Professional Learning
Whole-School Approach

Professional Learning
Whole - School approach to mental health and emotional well-being 

Professional Learning based on Powys' Strategy for developing and embedding a whole-school approach to mental health and emotional well-being. The Powys Whole-School approach Well-being policy can be found here. 

WSA training 17.11.2022.pdf
Powys Whole-School Approach to Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Presentation.pdf

Professional Learning - An introduction to Emotion Coaching 

Emotion Coaching is a whole-school approach to help learners regulate their own emotion and be in control of their own behaviour. Emotion Coaching provides a structure for staff to know "how to do" relationships with pupils in their everyday encounters with them. Further information and resources can be found here. 

Powys Emotion Coaching Training.pdf

Mental Health and Schools - Place2Be
