Mathematics and Numeracy AoLE Network- Summer Term 23

Crickhowell High School
To what extent can the use of a problem solving proforma in the classroom environment provide an effective basis for a common approach to formative assessment of learners' mathematical craft, as defined by the pedagogical principles for mathematics and numeracy, across our AoLE 

NPEP Project Summary Presentation 23.pptx

Radnor Valley Primary School
To what extent do pre and post assessment tasks, in Mathematics and Numeracy, improve learners’ understanding of their own progress?

Radnor Valley NPEP Submission 3 Presentation.pptx

Ysgol Bro Tawe
Will creating outdoor and authentic experiences in Mathematics and Numeracy raise standards and levels of engagement?

Ysgol Bro Tawe M&N Summer Presentation 2023 Final draft.pptx

Newtown High School 
What impact does taking a mastery approach have on attainment of students within the Mathematics & Numeracy AOLE? 

Newtown Enquiry.pptx

Llanfaes CP School
Can a better understanding of the five proficiencies improve children’s understanding and transfer of number facts?

NP LLanfaes C P School - NPEP 2022-23.pptx