

Cymhwyster: AS (Blwyddyn 12) a Lefel A (Blwyddyn 13)              

Bwrdd Arholi: CBAC

Beth fydda i’n ei ddysgu?

Byddi di’n parhau i ddatblygu sgiliau hanesyddol o ddadansoddi ffynonellau, gwerthuso dibynadwyedd ac ystyried achosion a chanlyniadau digwyddiadau hanesyddol. Nod y cwrs yw meithrin dy ddiddordeb a’th frwdfrydedd ynglŷn â dealltwriaeth o werth cynhenid y pwnc a’i arwyddocâd. Yn ogystal, byddi di’n gwella dy ddealltwriaeth o hunaniaeth wahanol o fewn cymdeithas, ac yn datblygu dirnadaeth o wahaniaethau cymdeithasol, diwylliannol, crefyddol ac ethnig drwy gyfrwng astudiaeth o agweddau ar Hanes Prydain, America a’r Almaen Natsïaidd.

Sut fydda i’n dysgu?

Byddi di’n dysgu un uned ar y tro ac yn gwneud gwaith pâr a grŵp er mwyn trafod syniadau a datblygu dy sgiliau hanes. Bydd rhai adnoddau ar lein, a rhoddir uned papur gydag enghreifftiau o gwestiynau i chi ymarfer drwy gydol y ddwy flynedd. Byddwch yn derbyn gwaith cartref sy’n ymchwil, yn dasgau estynedig ac ymarferion arholiad.

Oes angen offer arnaf fi?

Ni fydd angen offer arbennig, heblaw am adnoddau a ddarperir gan yr adran.

Sut fydda i’n cael fy asesu?

Blwyddyn 12

HY1: Hanes Cymru a Lloegr 1495-1603 (20%)

HY2: Gweriniaeth Weimar 1919-1933 (20%)         

Blwyddyn 13

HY3: Hanes UDA (20%)

HY4: Y Blaid Natsïaidd 1933-1945 (20%)

HY5: Asesiad dan reolaeth (20%)

Beth yw’r cam nesaf ar ôl y cwrs hwn?

Bydd modd i ti barhau i astudio Hanes yn y brifysgol. Bydd modd cyfuno Hanes gyda bron unrhyw bwnc arall yn y brifysgol.

Syniadau am swyddi ...

Yn ôl The Complete University Guide mae astudio hanes yn y chweched yn apelio at brifysgolion oherwydd y sgiliau trosglwyddadwy a ddatblygir yn y gwersi. Byddi di’n datblygu i fod yn ddysgwr annibynnol ac yn dablygu ymwybyddiaeth ddiwylliannol. Mae cyflogwyr hefyd yn hoff o weld Lefel A Hanes ar CV gan ei fod yn bwnc academaidd sy’n dangos nifer o sgiliau sy’n addas ar gyfer byd gwaith.

Eisiau gwybod mwy? Dere i siarad gyda ni yn yr Adran Hanes.


Qualification: AS (Year 12) and A Level (Year 13)              

Examination Board: WJEC

What will I learn?

You will continue to develop historical skills such as how to analyse historical sources, assess the reliability of sources and consider the effect and causes of historical events throughout history. We aim to nurture your interest and enthusiasm in understanding the intrinsic value of the subject and its significance. In addition, you will improve your understanding of different identities within society, gaining an understanding of cultural, socioeconomic, religious and ethnic differences by studying the history of Britain, America and Nazi Germany.

How will I learn?

You will study one unit at a time and do group and pair work in order to discuss ideas and continue to develop your historical skills. Some resources will be online and you will also receive a paper unit in order to practise examination question throughout the two years. You will receive research, extended writing and examination practice as homework.

Do I need any equipment?

You will not require any equipment, apart from the resources supplied by the department.

How will I be assessed?

Year 12

HY 1: Wales and England 1495-1603 (20%)

HY 2: The Weimar Republic 1919-1933 (20%)

Year 13

HY 3: History of USA (20%)

HY 4: The Nazi Party 1933-1945 (20%)

HY 5: Controlled Assessment (20%)

What is the next step after this course?

You will be able to study History at university. You will also be able to combine History with almost any other subject at University.

Ideas for jobs ...

According to The Complete University Guide, studying history is attractive to universities due to its transferable skills which are developed within lessons, You will become an independent learner and develop a good cultural understanding. Employers also value A Level History on your CV as it’s an academic subject which demonstrates a number of skills which are essential for the world of work.

Want to know more? Come and speak to us in the History Department.