Dylunio Cynnyrch

Product design

Cymhwyster: AS (Blwyddyn 12) a Lefel A (Blwyddyn 13)              

Bwrdd Arholi: CBAC

Beth fydda i’n ei ddysgu?

Mae’r cwrs dylunio cynnyrch yn cynnig cyfle unigryw i ti nodi a datrys problemau go iawn drwy ddylunio a gwneud cynnyrch mewn amrywiaeth eang o gyd-destunau yn ymwneud â dy ddiddordebau personol. Byddi di’n dysgu am fyd diwydiant a phrosesau creu ac adeiladu, ac yn dysgu sut i ddylunio a datblygu cynnyrch deniadol a defnyddiol. Byddi di’n datblygu sgiliau gweledol, cynhyrchu prototeip, a dylunio trwy gymorth cyfrifiadur. Bydd cyfleoedd i ddefnyddio offer newydd yr ysgol i greu prototeipiau, dysgu sut i ddylunio mewn 2D a 3D a defnyddio nifer o brosesau CAD a CAM.

Sut fydda i’n dysgu?

Byddi di’n datblygu dy sgiliau ymarferol drwy ddylunio a chreu nifer o brosiectau llai. Hefyd, bydd angen dysgu am nifer o bynciau yn ystod gwersi theori wrth baratoi at y ddau arholiad (diwedd Bl 12 a Bl13).  Fe fydd yr holl adnoddau ar gyfer y cwrs Dylunio Cynnyrch ar-lein. Bydd gwaith cartref cyson er mwyn gwella dy atebion i gwestiynau arholiad.

Oes angen offer arnaf fi?

Bydd offer arbenigol ar gael i bawb ei ddefnyddio, a bydd angen set o bensiliau dylunio. Fodd bynnag, bydd angen i chi helpu i ddod o hyd i defnyddiau ar gyfer prosiectau mwy.

Sut fydda i’n cael fy asesu?

Bl 12: Arholiad 20%                                    Bl 12: Prosiect Dylunio a Chreu 20%

Bl 13: Arholiad 30%                                    Bl 13: Prosiect Dylunio a Chreu 30%

Beth yw’r cam nesaf ar ôl y cwrs hwn?

Bydd modd i ti barhau i astudio gradd mewn amryw o feysydd dylunio, peirianneg a STEM  os wyt ti’n dymuno.

Syniadau am swyddi ...

Yn ystod 2017-18 rydyn ni’n gweithio’n agos gyda chwmni peirianneg Renishaw i gynnig mynediad at offer arbenigol a chyfleoedd gyrfaoedd ar ôl CA5. Rydym yn clustnodi dwy awr y pythefnos i fynychu gwersi ar safle Renishaw, gan fanteisio ar y cyfle i weld prosesau cynhyrchu ar raddfa fawr. Mae’r pwnc yn cynnig profiad amhrisiadwy a all dy helpu gyda nifer o swyddi yn y dyfodol. Dyma rai ohonynt: peiriannydd awyrennau, peiriannydd mecanyddol, peiriannydd sifil, peiriannydd cerbydau modur, dylunydd cerbydau modur, dylunydd cynnyrch, dylunydd nwyddau, gweithio o fewn y diwydiant awyrennau, gweithio o fewn maes dylunio neu dechnoleg.

Eisiau gwybod mwy?

Dere i siarad gyda Mr Dewi Thomas. ​Edrycha ar yr erthyglau ar @TG_DT_BroEdern​

http://www.gooduniversitiesguide.com.au/Latest-news/Getting-into-university/Top-reasons-to-study-STEM#.WElDNk1yY74 Efallai y bydd cwrs Peirianneg ar gael os oes digon o ddiddordeb ac mai hwnnw fyddai’r cwrs mwyaf addas i rai disgyblion 

product design

Qualification: AS (Year 12) and A Level (Year 13)              

Examination Board: WJEC

What will I learn?

A course in product design offers you an unique opportunity to identify and solve real problems by designing and making products in a wide range of contexts relating to your personal interests. You will learn about the world of industry, fabrication processes and construction, and will have opportunities to improve your design and development skills as you produce useful and attractive products. You will be able to use the school’s new equipment to rapid prototype, learn how to design in 2D and 3D and use a number of CAD and CAM processes.

How will I learn?

You will develop skills practically through designing and creating a number of smaller projects. You will also need to learn about a number of topics during theory lessons as we prepare for the examinations (at the end of Yr12 and Yr13). All the required materials will be available online. There will be regular homework in order to improve your answers to exam questions.

Do I need any equipment?

Specialist equipment will be available to all, and you will also require a set of design pencils. However you will need to help source materials for any larger projects. 

How will I be assessed?

Year 12: Exam 20%                         Year 12: Design and make project 20%

Year 13: Exam 30%                         Year 13: Design and make project 30%

What is the next step after this course?

You will be able to continue to study numerous fields within design, engineering and STEM at university if you wish. 

Ideas for jobs ...

During 2017-18 we are working closely with Renishaw to offer access to specialist equipment and to further career opportunities post-KS5. We allocate two hours a week in order to attend on-site lessons at their plant, offering opportunities to see first-hand manufacturing techniques on a large scale. The course offers a priceless experience which can lead to many future careers. Here are some examples: aeronautical engineer, mechanical engineer, civil engineer, automotive engineer, automotive designer, product designer, merchandise designer, working in the aeronautical industry and working in the design or technology industries.

Want to know more?

Come and speak to Mr Thomas. ​Browse our articles on @TG_DT_BroEdern

http://www.gooduniversitiesguide.com.au/Latest-news/Getting-into-university/Top-reasons-to-study-STEM#.WElDNk1yY74 An engineering course may be available if there is sufficient interest and if the department thinks it is a more suitable course for some pupils.