

Cymhwyster: UG (Blwyddyn 12) a U2 (Blwyddyn 13)               

Bwrdd Arholi: CBAC

Beth fydda i’n ei ddysgu?

Mae Drama a Theatr yn bwnc bywiog ac amrywiol. Cei di’r cyfle i ddatblygu gwybodaeth, dealltwriaeth a sgiliau ym maes drama a’r theatr. Byddi di’n astudio a pherfformio dramâu, creu a pherfformio dy waith dy hunan, dadansoddi ac ystyried perfformiadau a dramâu yn feirniadol. Y sgiliau a ddatblygir yn ystod y cwrs fydd: Cymeriadu, Rhyngweithio, Cyfathrebu, Datrys Problemau, Gwybodaeth am ymarferwyr arbennig megis Brecht, Artaud, Berkoff, Complicite a Stanislavski.

Sut fydda i’n dysgu?

Cei di ddysgu ar ffurf gweithdai perfformio. Byddi di’n astudio drama gyfan ac yn ail-ddehongli drwy sgriptio, hel syniadau, creu cymeriadau ac yn arbrofi i greu darn o theatr cyffrous.

Oes angen offer arnaf fi?

Ni fydd angen offer arbennig, heblaw am yr adnoddau a ddarperir gan yr adran.

Sut fydda i’n cael fy asesu?

Blwyddyn 12 Uned 1 24%

Blwyddyn 12 Uned 2 16%

Blwyddyn 13 Uned 3 36%

Blwyddyn 13 Uned 4 24%

Beth yw’r cam nesaf ar ôl y cwrs hwn?

Bydd modd i ti astudio theatr, perfformio, newyddiaduriaeth, ffilm a theledu neu fynd i weithio mewn unrhyw faes lle mae cyfathrebu’n sgil hanfodol.

Syniadau am swyddi ...

Unrhyw beth sy’n gofyn am gyfathrebwyr hyderus: theatr, byd busnes, y cyfryngau, y gyfraith, twristiaeth, addysg, cyfieithu, masnach, ac unrhyw sefydliadau neu gwmnïau PR.

Eisiau gwybod mwy? Dere i siarad gyda ni yn yr Adran Drama.


Qualification: AS (Year 12) and A Level (Year 13)              

Examination Board: WJEC

What will I learn?

Drama and Theatre Studies is a lively and diverse course. You will have the opportunity to develop knowledge, understanding of Drama and Theatre based skills. You will study and perform extracts from plays; create and perform your own work and discuss plays and performances critically. Skills developed during the course include: Characterisation, Interaction, Communication, Problem Solving, Information on practitioners such as Brecht, Boal, Artaud, Berkoff, Complicite and Stanislavski.

How will I learn?   

You will be taught using performance workshops. These are practical units based on texts. You will create, develop and perform pieces of theatre based on a reinterpretation of an extract from a text.

Do I need any equipment?

You will not require any special equipment, apart from departmental resources.

 How will I be assessed?

Year 12 Unit 1 24%

Year 12 Unit 2 16%

Year 13 Unit 3 36%

Year 13 Unit 4 24%

What is the next step after this course?

You will be able to study theatre, performance, film and television, journalism or work in any field where communication is a vital skill.

Ideas for jobs ...

Anything that requires confident communicators: theatre, the business world, the media, law, tourism, education, translation, trade and any PR establishments or companies.

Want to know more? Come and speak to us in the Drama Department.