

Cymhwyster: AS (Blwyddyn 12) a Lefel A (Blwyddyn 13)              

Bwrdd Arholi: CBAC

Beth fydda i’n ei ddysgu?

Byddi di’n parhau i ddatblygu dealltwriaeth o amryw o lefydd, amgylcheddau a phatrymau daearyddol ar draws y byd ar amrywiaeth o raddfeydd.  Bydd y cwrs Daearyddiaeth Lefel A yn ysgogi dy werthfawrogiad o’r amgylchedd yn ogystal ag ymwybyddiaeth o sut mae pobl ac amgylcheddau yn rhyngweithio. Erbyn diwedd y cwrs byddi di’n ymwybodol fod Daearyddiaeth yn ddeinamig a bod llefydd, nodweddion daearyddol a phatrymau’n newid. Drwy gydol y cwrs bydd cyfle hefyd i ddysgu a datblygu sgiliau a thechnegau gan gynnwys gwaith maes ffisegol a dynol, datrys problemau, gwaith map a Thechnoleg Gwybodaeth. Byddi di’n cael cyfle i astudio testunau megis tirweddau rhewlifiedig neu arfordirol, mwy am beryglon tectonig, sut mae lleoedd yn newid, ecosystemau, twf a sialens economaidd yn India neu China, datblygiad yn Affrica Is-Sahara, sialensiau a thrafferthion egni, tywydd, hinsawdd a mwy!

Sut fydda i’n dysgu?

Byddi di’n dysgu y tu fewn a thu allan i’r ystafell dosbarth. Bydd yr adnoddau ar gyfer y cwrs Lefel A Daearyddiaeth ar gael ar lein a bydd di’n creu nodiadau yn dy uned gwaith. Bydd gwaith cartref cyson er mwyn gwella dy ddealltwriaeth o’r pwnc ac i atgyfnerthu’r hyn a wneir yn y gwersi. Bydd 20% o’r cwrs yn seiliedig ar ymholiad gwaith maes a gweithgaredd gwneud penderfyniad a fydd yn cael ei gynnal y tu allan i’r ysgol. Bydd y cwrs yn rhedeg trwy gydol Blwyddyn 12 ac 13.

Oes angen offer arnaf fi?

Ni fydd angen offer arbennig, heblaw am yr adnoddau a ddarperir gan yr adran.

Sut fydda i’n cael fy asesu?

Blwyddyn 12

Blwyddyn 13

Beth yw’r cam nesaf ar ôl y cwrs hwn?

Bydd modd i ti barhau i astudio Daearyddiaeth yn y brifysgol, a gallet gael cyfle i fyw dramor am flwyddyn neu gymryd blwyddyn allan mewn diwydiant ar rai cyrsiau. Bydd modd cyfuno Daearyddiaeth gyda bron unrhyw bwnc arall yn y brifysgol.

Syniadau am swyddi ...

Caiff Daearyddiaeth ei nodi gan Grŵp Brifysgolion Russell fel un o’r pynciau hwyluso pwysicaf. O ran swyddi, bydd Daearyddiaeth o gymorth gydag unrhyw beth sy’n gofyn am ddealltwriaeth eang o faterion cyfoes a’r gallu i’w osod mewn cyd-destun byd-eang. Fel arfer bydd daearyddwyr yn dilyn gyrfaoedd yn y meysydd canlynol: busnes, y cyfryngau, twristiaeth, addysg, gwleidyddiaeth, masnach, y gyfraith, amgylchedd, cadwraeth, peryglon naturiol, ac unrhyw sefydliadau anllywodraethol neu gwmnïau rhyngwladol.

Eisiau gwybod mwy?

Dewch i siarad gyda ni yn yr Adran Daearyddiaeth. Dilynwch y linc isod er mwyn darllen llythyr Michael Palin at rieni. http://www.rgs.org/NR/rdonlyres/B3101CF7-4936-4AA8-B724-33BB41FA1C89/0/RGS_MichaelPalinLetter.pdf 


Qualification: AS (Year 12) and A Level (Year 13)              

Examination Board: WJEC

What will I learn?

You will continue to acquire knowledge and understanding of a range of places, environments and geographical patterns at a range of scales. The Geography A Level course will inspire a sense of place and appreciation of the environment, as well as your awareness of the ways which people and environments interact. By the end of the course you will appreciate that the study of Geography is dynamic, not only because places, geographical features, patterns and issues change, but also because new ideas and methods lead to new interpretations. Throughout the course you will also be given the opportunity to obtain and apply multiple skills and techniques, including those of map work, fieldwork and ICT needed to conduct physical and human geographical fieldwork study and enquiry.  You will have the opportunity to study topics such as coastal or glacial landscapes, more about tectonic activity, changing places, ecosystems, economic growth and challenge in India or China, development in Sub-Saharan Africa, energy challenges and dilemmas, weather, climate and more!

How will I learn?

You will study inside and outside the classroom. The A Level Geography resources will be available to you online and you will make notes in your work units. There will be regular homework in order to improve your understanding and to reinforce what you have learned in class. 20% of the course is based on Geographical enquiry and a decision making exercise, both of which will be conducted outside of the school. The course will run for duration of Year 12 and 13.

Do I need any equipment?

You will not require any special equipment, apart from departmental resources.

How will I be assessed?

Year 12

Year 13

What is the next step after this course?

You will be able to study Geography at university, which could give you the opportunity to live abroad for a year or take a year out in industry on some courses. Geography can also be combined with nearly any other subject at university.

Ideas for jobs...

Geography has been identified by the Russell Group of Universities as one of the main facilitating subjects. In terms of employment, wherever the ability to understand and interoperate current affairs in their global context is required, Geography would be beneficial. Geographers tend to pursue careers in the following fields: business, media, tourism, education, politics, trade, the law, environment, conservation, natural hazard management and any non-governmental aid agencies or international companies.

Want to know more?

Come and speak to us in the Geography Department. Please follow this link to read Michael Palin’s letter to parents. http://www.rgs.org/NR/rdonlyres/B3101CF7-4936-4AA8-B724-33BB41FA1C89/0/RGS_MichaelPalinLetter.pdf