

Cymhwyster: UG (Blwyddyn 12) a Safon Uwch (Blwyddyn 13)               

Bwrdd Arholi: CBAC

Beth fydda i’n ei ddysgu?

Byddi di’n cael cyfle i ddatblygu dealltwriaeth o'r newidiadau sy'n digwydd yn y gymdeithas ym Mhrydain, ynghyd â chyfleoedd i ddysgu am ddulliau ac ymchwil cymdeithasegol. Bydd dewis o destunau ar gael i ti, yn cynnwys teuluoedd, diwylliant ieuenctid, y gymuned, addysg, crefydd, y cyfryngau torfol, trosedd, gwleidyddiaeth, iechyd ac anabledd, rhaniadau cymdeithasol a chymdeithaseg fyd-eang.

Sut fydda i’n dysgu?

O fewn gwersi byddi di’n trafod gwahanol sefyllfaoedd cymdeithasegol, fel dy fod yn cael cyfle i gymhwyso theori i’r byd real. Byddi di’n cael cyfle i astudio dulliau ymchwil cymdeithasegol a chael profiad cynnig datrysiadau a llunio polisïau cymdeithasol ar gyfer  sefyllfaoedd gwahanol. Bydd gennyt raglen astudio lawn, yn cynnwys gwersi, seminarau a thasgau annibynnol (gwaith cartref).

Oes angen offer arnaf fi?

Ni fydd angen offer arbennig, heblaw am yr adnoddau a ddarperir gan yr adran.

Sut fydda i’n cael fy asesu?

Bl 12: Uned 1: Caffael Diwylliant:  Arholiad Ysgrifennu (15% o’r Lefel A)

Bl 12: Uned 2: Deall Cymdeithas a Dulliau Ymchwilio Cymdeithasegol:  Arholiad Ygrifenedig (25% o’r Lefel A)

Bl 13: Uned 3: Grym a Rheolaeth (25% o’r Safon Uwch)

Bl 13: Uned 4: Anghydraddoldeb Cymdeithasol a Dulliau Cymdeithasol o Ymchwilio Cymdeithasegol  (35% o’r Safon Uwch)

 Beth yw’r cam nesaf ar ôl y cwrs hwn?

Mae bywyd prifysgol yn dy alw! Bydd modd i ti barhau i astudio Cymdeithaseg yn y Brifysgol, neu pynciau megis Y Gyfraith, Seicoleg, Nyrsio ac ati.  Os am ragor o wybodaeth, cer i’r wefan Bydd modd hefyd i ti geisio am brentisiaeth mewn meysydd fel cyfrifeg neu reolaeth a chychwyn dy yrfa wedi’r Chweched Dosbarth.

Syniadau am swyddi ...

Mae’n amlwg y byddai dilyn gyrfa fel Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol, Ystadegydd Cymdeithasol, Athro a Nyrs yn bosibl. Yn ogystal mae’r cwrs yn cynnig dilyniant naturiol i yrfaoedd ym myd y Gyfraith.

Eisiau gwybod mwy? Dere i siarad gyda ni yn yr Adran (ystafell CF3) ac mae gwybodaeth ychwanegol ar wefan CBAC: 


Qualification: AS (Year 12) and A Level (Year 13)              

Examination Board: WJEC

What will I learn?

You will gain the opportunity to develop an understanding of changing British society as well as opportunities to learn about sociological methods and research.  You will study topics relating to families, youth culture, the community, education, religion, mass media, crime, politics, health and disability, social divisions and world sociology.

How will I learn?

Within lessons you'll discuss different social situations, so you have the opportunity to apply theory to the real world. You'll have an opportunity to develop social research skills and theoretical knowledge so that you will be able to provide guidance and generate policies for different social situations. You'll have a full program of study, which will include lessons, seminars and independent tasks (homework).

Do I need any equipment?

You will not require any special equipment, apart from departmental resources. 

How will I be assessed?

Yr 12: Unit 1: Acquiring Culture:  Written examination (15% of A Level)

Yr 12: Unit 2: Understanding Society and Methods of Sociological Enquiry : Written examination (25% of A Level)

Yr 13: Unit 3: Power and Control: Written examination (25% of A Level)

Yr 13: Unit 4 Social Inequality and Applied Methods of Sociological Enquiry: Written examination (35% of Advanced Level)

What is the next step after this course?

University life beckons! You would be able to continue studying Sociology, Nursing, Law. For further information, visit the website  You could also apply for an apprenticeship in accountancy and / or control and start your career after the Sixth Form

Ideas for jobs ...

It is clear that a career as Social Worker, Social Statistician, Teacher, Nurse or a career within the Legal field will all be possible.

Want to know more?

Come and talk to us at the Department (room CF3) and there is additional information on the WJEC website.