

Cymhwyster: UG (Blwyddyn 12) a Safon Uwch (Blwyddyn 13)              

Bwrdd Arholi: CBAC

Beth fydda i’n ei ddysgu?

Byddi di’n dysgu am fusnesau; eu strategaethau cystadlu a'u hymgais i leihau costau a chynyddu elw. Byddi di'n ennill gwybodaeth gynhwysfawr am weithgareddau busnes a meithrin sgiliau er mwyn i ti allu cynnig syniadau gwreiddiol a fyddai’n hybu llwyddiant i fusnesau.  Cei gyfle i astudio marchnata a dulliau hysbysebu, strategaethau prisio, adnoddau dynol, datblygu cynnyrch a chyllid.

Sut fydda i’n dysgu?

O fewn gwersi byddi di’n trafod gwahanol sefyllfaoedd busnes cyfredol, fel dy fod yn cael cyfle i gymhwyso theori i’r byd real. Byddi di’n cael cyfle i astudio strategaethau busnes a chael profiad o gynnig datrysiadau mentrus a chreadigol  i sefyllfaoedd busnes gwahanol. Bydd gennyt raglen astudio lawn, a bydd hyn yn cynnwys gwersi, seminarau a

thasgau annibynnol (gwaith cartref).

Oes angen offer arnaf fi?

Ni fydd angen offer arbennig, heblaw am yr adnoddau a ddarperir gan yr adran.

Sut fydda i’n cael fy asesu?

Bl 12: Uned 1: Cyfleoedd Busnes: Arholiad Ysgrifenedig (15% o’r Lefel A)

Bl 12: Uned 2: Swyddogaethau Busnes: Arholiad Ygrifenedig (25% o’r Lefel A)

Bl 13: Uned 3: Dadansoddi Busnes a Strategaeth: Arholiad Ysgrifenedig (30% o’r Lefel A)

Bl 13: Uned 4: Busnes mewn Byd sy’n Newid: Arholiad Ysgrifenedig (30% o’r Lefel A)

Beth yw’r cam nesaf ar ôl y cwrs hwn?

Mae bywyd prifysgol yn dy alw! Bydd modd i ti barhau i astudio Busnes yn y brifysgol, neu bynciau megis Y Gyfraith, Cyfrifeg, Cymdeithaseg, Seicoleg ac ati.  Os am ragor o wybodaeth, cer i’r wefan http://www.topuniversities.com Byddai modd hefyd ceisio am brentisiaeth mewn meysydd fel cyfrifeg a/neu reolaeth a chychwyn dy yrfa wedi’r Chweched Dosbarth.

Syniadau am swyddi ...

Mae’n amlwg y byddai dilyn gyrfa fel Cyfrifydd, Rheolwr Adnoddau Dynol, arbenigwr Busnes, mentrwr neu bod yn berchennog busnes yn ddilyniant naturiol.

Eisiau gwybod mwy? Dere i siarad gyda Mrs Haf Matthews – neu gysyllta gyda fi drwy e-bost: HMatthews@ysgolbroedern.cardiff.sch.uk

Mae gwybodaeth ychwanegol ar wefan CBAC: www.cbac.co.uk 


Qualification: AS (Year 12) and A Level (Year 13)             

Examination Board: WJEC

What will I learn?

You will learn about businesses; their competition strategies and their quest to reduce costs and increase profits. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of business theories and models so that you can offer original ideas to promote business success. You will have the opportunity to study marketing and advertising methods, pricing strategies, human resources, product development and finance.

How will I learn?

Within lessons you will discuss different situations existing in business, so that you will have the opportunity to apply theory to the real world. You will have an opportunity to study business strategies and gain experience in offering enterprising and creative solutions to different business situations. You will have a full programme of study, which will include lessons, seminars and independent tasks (homework).

Do I need any equipment?

You will not require any special equipment, apart from departmental resources. 

How will I be assessed?

Yr 12: Unit 1: Business Opportunities: Written examination (15% of A Level)

Yr 12: Unit 2: Business Function: Written examination (25% of A Level)

Yr 13: Unit 3: Business Analysis and Strategy: Written examination (30% of A Level)

Yr 13: Unit 4: Business in a Changing World: Written examination (30% of A Level)

What is the next step after this course?

University life beckons! You will be able to continue studying Business at university, or use the subject as a stepping stone to other courses such as Law, Accounting, Sociology, Psychology and so on. For further information, visit the website http://www.topuniversities.com You could also apply for an apprenticeship in accountancy and / or management and start your career straight after the Sixth Form.

Ideas for jobs ...

It is clear that a career as an Accountant, HR Manager, Business expert, entrepreneur or a business owner would be a natural progression after this course.

Want to know more? Speak to Mrs Matthews HMatthews@ysgolbroedern.cardiff.sch.uk There is also additional information on the WJEC website. www.wjec.co.uk