Lemonade War

Welcome to Country Oaks Elementary's annual One school one book website

One School One Book is sponsored by our Country Oaks PTA. Thanks to families for supporting our PTA to help us have exciting events like this at COE!

Join us on February 11 from 6:30-8:00 for "Lion in the Sun" reading night sponsored by PTA!

We will celebrate the reading of The Lemonade War with dinner and many activities!

We are excited about our book selection this year...

The Lemonade war

by jacqueline davies

The Lemonade War tells the story of an exciting summer spent by a loving but competitive pair of siblings, Evan and Jessie Treski. At the end of the summer, Jessie, the younger and more academically inclined of the two, is delighted to learn that because she is skipping third grade, she will be in Evan's fourth-grade class when school starts in a few days. To say the least, Evan is less than thrilled. The children's personal conflict becomes a professional one as well, as they set out to outsell each other at their respective lemonade stands.

Our Special JK Selection is...

Froggy's Lemonade Stand by Jonathan London. What will Froggy do when he gets so thirsty that he drinks all the lemonade before getting a chance to sell any? Our JK students will also get a change to read several books in the Froggy series!

One Book is a novel program in which children of all grade levels will all be listening to their family read the same book. Strange or daring as that may seem, it actually makes sound educational sense. Reading professionals recommend reading material out loud that is beyond a child's own reading level. We also believe that you can and should continue reading chapter books with your older children, even when they are able to read by themselves. We have selected a title that can be followed and understood and enjoyed by younger students, but will still captivate older children.

I know that you’ll enjoy this special reading time with your children. I look forward to sharing this experience with you and hope to talk with both you and your student sometime this month about our book selection. When a whole school reads a book, there's a lot to talk about! With your help, we can build a Community of Readers at Country Oaks!

Our website includes our reading calendar, information about our book selection's author, fun links that coordinate with the book and all the details for our celebration at the end. New this year are teacher read-alouds for each chapter so you can listen together on those really busy nights.

Happy Reading,

Gary Hamilton

Country Oaks Principal