The Help Desk is located in room 182, near the library. Customers are welcome to come to the Help Desk between the hours of 7:30 AM and 4:00 PM. If technicians are not available at the Help Desk or by phone at extension 1421, please have the staff in the Assistant Principal's office or the main office page us on the radio.


Region One's Student Information System is PowerSchool. PowerSchool is a secure, confidential, web-based application that allows students and parents to view current and historical grades, class assignments, attendance, schedules and school announcements. Portals for accessing student data are available for all HVRHS students and their parent/guardian. To access the parent or student PowerSchool portal please click on the buttons bellow for the Power School Portal you need.


Region One Schools use SchoolMessenger to send out emergency notifications and general announcements to parents and students through several channels such as email, phone calls, SMS texting and social media. Each parent and student is provided with an account where they can continuously update their communication preferences. To access the Region1 Schools information and instructions on setting up School Messenger please click the button below.

Computer Access Accounts

A computer and email account will be provided to each student and staff member. The computer account permits logging on to HVRHS-owned systems. The email account is part of the G Suite and is accessible from any device connected to the internet.

500 Megabyte Per Second Internet Access

HVRHS has high speed Internet access via the Connecticut Education Network (CEN). This high speed connection supports every student’s educational needs, supports online research and streaming media for education.

CEN also provides DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) protection and content filtering with iboss.

Wireless Networks

We support HVRHS systems on a secure high speed wireless network. Students and staff have the same access to the internet and network services.

Our guest network is only for visitors; the password changes frequently for security reasons. If you are a visitor to our school and wish to access the guest network, please contact Cindy Fuller at ext 160 or IT at ext 1421.

Personal devices are not permitted on the school network for security and bandwidth conservation reasons.

Online Collaborative Tools

Our school uses Google Suite for Education (G Suite) as our primary communication medium and productivity suite. Students are able to create and edit documents, spreadsheets, presentations and more from any computer with an internet connection, including computers off campus. Several students and teachers can work on an item together, even when they are miles apart.

Best of all, no additional software is required on the student's home system. All that is needed is an up-to-date Internet browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari or Chrome.

G Suite provides unlimited file storage for each student. Every student is able to upload files, create and edit documents, spreadsheets, presentations and more. Each student is able to share their items with anyone in the HVRHS domain

Google Classroom is another part of the G Suite . Google Classroom allows teachers to assign work, share items and enable students to turn in assignments. This enables teachers to be more efficient communicating and assessing student progress.