Infinity categories

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Từ 14h đến 15h30 các chiều thứ 3 hàng tuần (bắt đầu từ 23/3/2021) tại phòng C101 VIASM.

Bài nói tiếp theo

Phạm Văn Tuấn (27/4). Basic homotopical algebra (part 3)

Tóm tắt: We give an exposition of Quillen’s theory of model category structures.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

Tài liệu tham khảo chính được sử dụng trong seminar này là cuốn sách Higher categories and homotopical algebra (Cambridge University Press 2019) của Denis-Charles Cisinski.

This book provides an introduction to modern homotopy theory through the lens of higher categories after Joyal and Lurie, giving access to methods used at the forefront of research in algebraic topology and algebraic geometry in the twenty-first century. The text starts from scratch – revisiting results from classical homotopy theory such as Serre’s long exact sequence, Quillen’s theorems A and B, Grothendieck’s smooth/proper base change formulas and the construction of the Kan–Quillen model structure on simplicial sets – and develops an alternative to a significant part of Lurie’s definitive reference Higher topos theory, with new constructions and proofs, in particular, the Yoneda lemma and Kan extensions. The strong emphasis on homotopical algebra provides clear insights into classical constructions such as calculus of fractions, homotopy limits and derived functors, which are revisited in this enhanced context. For graduate students and researchers from neighbouring fields, this book is a userfriendly guide to the advanced tools that the theory provides for applications in such areas as algebraic geometry, representation theory, algebra and logic.

Một số tài liệu tham khảo khác về Infinity category:

Các bài trình bày

  1. Hoàng Trọng Nam Anh (23/3). What is an infinity category?, Slide note

Tóm tắt: We will give a brief motivation for the study of infinity categories from a topological standpoint, then proceed with the construction of quasi-categories and their homotopy categories as given by Lurie and Joyal.

  1. Nguyễn Thế Cường (30/3). Topics in infinity categories (part 1)

Tóm tắt: In this talk, we discuss a motivating example of infinity categories and explain why we are interested in studying the underlying theory.

  1. Nguyễn Thế Cường (06/4). Topics in infinity categories (part 2)

Tóm tắt: In this talk, we discuss a motivating example of infinity categories and explain why we are interested in studying the underlying theory.

  1. Phạm Văn Tuấn (13/4). Basic homotopical algebra (part 1)

Tóm tắt: We give an exposition of Quillen’s theory of model category structures.

Factorisation systems, Model categories

  1. Phạm Văn Tuấn (20/4). Basic homotopical algebra (part 2)

Tóm tắt: We give an exposition of Quillen’s theory of model category structures.

Chia thương và địa phương hóa phạm trù

  1. Phạm Văn Tuấn (27/4). Basic homotopical algebra (part 3)

Tóm tắt: We give an exposition of Quillen’s theory of model category structures.