Visual Communications is a program at the Huron Area Technical Center that centers around the aspects of Photography, Videography and Web Design. There is a weekly News Show filmed, produced, and written by the students, and uploaded to YouTube. When not working on "The Show", students are learning visual communication skills while working on real world projects. Check out the rest of the site to learn more, or contact the HATC today @ 989-269-9284


Josh Crann

"When I first started this class I did not know what to expect, I knew that there was going to some aspects in photography and that's about it, but I did not know how much more that I was going to learn. I have learned much more than I could have ever hoped to learn in this class, not only have I learned how to properly use a camera but I have also learned how to edit those photos or videos in Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, or Final Cut Pro X. I have learned a lot to do with producing TV shows as well, I can now operate a switcher, video cameras, and I know how to set the lighting on the set for The Show. We have done almost everything involved in producing a show from writing a script to filming commercials. If you are wanting to go into any field that has anything to do with visual communications I would recommend this class, I am not even wanting to go into this field but I have learned enough that if I ever wanted to switch professions I could probably get a job in the visual communications field."

Jacklyn Iskow

"Growing up, I was always motivated by the arts in order to improve myself in all aspects of life ranging from a student, a daughter, a sibling, and a friend. Although I have an undying appreciation for Huron County, living the creative life was kind of hard as I was limited to opportunities in order to grow into an artist. When I heard that this class was going to be offered at the Tech Center at the beginning of my senior year, I was beyond ecstatic. Finally, I thought, finally I can shine where I'm supposed to. I have learned ample amounts of videography, photography, and graphic design in my seven months at the Tech Center. The atmosphere that Mr. Turner has created is welcoming and kind, and I never have to question whether or not I'm going to be challenged any day. There's always something to do and somewhere to grow. This class has not only shaped me as an artist and photographer, but it has taught me patience, teamwork, and time management (deadlines are a vital aspect of this class). I can honestly say that this class has changed the course of my life, and I will continue to pursue a degree in the world of Visual Communications at Ferris State University."


The Show is a weekly news show written, filmed, edited, and produced by students for students. Weekly assignments range from filming, recording audio, writing the script, reporting, storyboarding/creating commercials, interviewing students and staff, video editing, graphic design, photography, and working on the crew for the live recording of the show. Students learn all aspects of live video production and they have the opportunity to work up to directing the show.


Photography is one of the main aspects we cover in VisCom. Students start with the basics working with Mirrorless cameras: ISO, shutter speed, and aperture. Once those skills are mastered, working with different angles and lenses allows for much more creativity in the students' work. There are a variety of projects that can be specific or broad the students will complete that correlate to the three fundamentals aspects of photography.


Videography is one of the first things Visual Communication students learn in the class. They film interviews, create short films, produce music videos the "The Show." Final Cut Pro is the software used to edit these segments and films, which the students are required to take an online training course for the software. In addition to the cameras, students also learn about microphones and the audio technology, lighting, interviewing, and much more!


Graphic Design is another main aspect of the VisCom class. We work primarily in Photoshop for graphic designs prospects and Lightroom is used in the workflow. Combining these two skills will prepare these students for a plethora of jobs after they complete high school. The students go through the proper training with a combination of online video series and hands-on teaching.



Event Photographer

Photo Editer

Lifestyle Photographer


Commercial Product Photographer


Camera Operator

Film Editer



TV/Movie Talent



Graphic Designer

Web Designer

Multi Media Specialist

Web Content Specialist



Casey Turner

Casey Turner grew up around San Francisco, CA and always had a passion for the arts. He received his Bachelors degree in Communication Broadcasting with a minor in Advertising and Public Relations from Spring Arbor University in Michigan. From filming promotional videos across the country to documentaries in Haiti, Turner is an experienced and talented multi-media educator. His dream has always been to teach a group of high school kids a college-level class where they could grow and find their own passions.

VisCom is a program at the Huron Area Technical Center at the Huron ISD. To learn more about the other 12 amazing programs offered visit the HATC website.

This site was built by 2018-2019 Viscom Students© HATC, 2019