Professor Dr. Yo-Song Park

(Jeju National University


Born in 1961, in Seoul, Korea. He studied German Linguistics and Literature at Korea University (高麗大學校 , B.A. & M.A.). Doctoral Studies of General Linguistics, German Literature and Philosophy at University of Münster (Universität Münster, Germany), acquired Ph. D. in 1994. Visiting Scholar at University of Münster (Institute for Communication Science, IfK). Currently, Professor of JEJU National University, Dept of German Studies & Dept of Story-Telling. He served as the President of the Textlinguistic Society of Korea & Koreans Association for Semiotic Studies. Several Lectures in Germany, China, Taiwan, Iran, Switzerland, Hong-Kong, Japan and Korea.

Monographies (Korean): Body or the ladder of desire, New Frontiers of Knowledge, Current Problems of Korean Textlinguistics, Semiotic reading of the world, Sign-Philosophy-Art, Reality of Body and Gesture, Understanding of Textlinguistics, Gastro-Logie (German), Zeitschrift für Semiotik (27-1, German), Theory and Practice of Functionalist Translation Studies, Applicative Cultural Semiotics, Front of Semiotics.

Translations from German & English: Der Diskurs des Radikalen Konstruktivismus (hg. S. J. Schmidt), Kognitive Autonomie und soziale orientierung (S. J. Schmdit), Die höfische Gesellschaft (N. Elias), Und grün des Lebens Goldenen Baum (I. Eibl-Eibesfeldt), Gödel Escher Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid (D. Hofstadter), Kant e l'Ornitorinco (U. Eco), Fundamentals of Language (R. Jakobson), Die Selbstorganisation des Sozialsystems Literatur im 18. Jh. (S. J. Schmidt), Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation (ed. M. Baker), Soziale Systeme (N. Luhmann), Luhmann Handbuch (ed. A. Nassehi), Die Kunst der Gesellschaft (N. Luhmann). Ca. 60 articles on Semiotics, Systems-Theory, Text-Linguistics and Translation Theory.