Science Rules!
General Information
Office Hours: 8:30-9:00 Monday- Friday
(330) 534- 1921 #3215
My Google Classroom codes are as follows:
5th grade: Tnz7pwg
Text book Link :
6th grade: 6owcp2s
Text book Link:
Flex 5/6: ljfxo7c
My goal in science is to not only cover the state standards but to encourage students to become critical observers of the world around them. The students must realize the activities we do have an academic purpose and it is critical that they read the content thoroughly, understand and complete the directions completely and use the appropriate vocabulary terms when writing and speaking.
Students should have their pencil, folder and textbook everyday.
Supplies: pencil, highlighter, folder
All work is assessed in some manner, for example it can discussed in a classroom setting or discussed one on one with the student or graded by the teacher and recorded on progressbook. Recorded grades are written on assignments as fractions. Grades are taken on review sheets and labs. I encourage the students to use their notes or textbook when completing these assignments. Tests are not open book. Late work will be accepted at half credit.
Classroom procedures:
In order that all students in my classroom have an appropriate learning atmosphere, I believe that no actions should be permitted that would disrupt the learning or teaching process. When working independently or in small groups, I require the students to:
Listen carefully the first time rules or directions are given.
Have all papers and supplies and be ready to work on time.
Move and speak in a manner that does not interrupt with teaching or learning
Show respect to oneself and others.
Contribute to the care and maintenance of the classroom and supplies.
When in doubt: Let common sense prevail! WWYPT (What would your parents think?)
Discipline procedures:
I believe that if the students are engaged and challenged that classroom disruptions will be minimal. If a situation arises that requires disciplinary action, I will use the following steps:
Verbal redirection
Conference with the student
Call to parents or guardian
Detention or loss of classroom privilege
Office referral
Thank you for all your help at home as I work to keep your child informed and organized. If you ever need information or have any concerns, please email at or call me directly at
(330)534 1921#3215. Let's have a great year!