The IB Diploma...

At HHIS, Year 12 & 13 students have the opportunity to study the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.  As an IB World Accredited School, we are proud to work in partnership with the IB so that we can continue to deliver an outstanding educational experience. Our students are inspired and supported to develop their own ideas so they can provide positive change for themselves, their communities and the world. 

Within this website, we are happy to share our school values; the IB mission and all the opportunities available. 

Our students are the strength of our school

Education at HHIS is structured around our eight key ‘I’ values. These values form the fundamental core of our existence and are the centre around which subjects, curriculum themes and all daily experience revolve. The expectations implicit in the ‘I’ values are visible within everyday life for everyone and our consistent promotion of these values, enables all of our students to become confident, caring, life-long learners.

Throughout their time at HHIS, our students are supported and challenged by a highly qualified, committed and internationally recruited teaching staff. 

Our curriculum is properly broad and balanced so that no single subject or way of thinking is able to dominate the timetable or distort the childrens' perception of what is important. The arts feature as prominently as the sciences and a broad and inclusive programme of physical education is a natural part of every child’s experience of school. The application of technology is a holistic feature of all areas of the children’s life at school and all staff model an eagerness for technological solutions.

HHIS is very deliberately an inclusive school where everybody flourishes and where difference and diversity enrich the entire community. While everyone takes great pride in seeing our most able students reach the highest possible standards of attainment, we are equally thrilled to celebrate huge leaps of progress made by all children along their individual learning journeys. 

No matter what a student’s hopes and ambitions are beyond HHIS, one thing is always the same - success in school leads to future success. Success for one person, however, may be through a different path than one selected by someone else. We always recommend that students should choose an academic program that suits them. We will guide and support students so they are able to identify their strengths and recognise the areas of study that interest them the most.

HHIS is very proud to work in partnership with the International Baccalaureate and offer the Diploma Programme for our students.

"The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right." 

Using this website you can discover lots more information about the Diploma Programme. Should you have any questions, please do contact us and we will be happy to discuss the outstanding opportunities available for immediate and future success.