Create a new account or use an existing email address from any email provider; you'll just need to provide a password, date of birth, and a mobile number. Go to the Sign up page. Enter your info in the required fields. Click Continue and follow the onscreen prompts to verify your mobile phone number.

Create a Yahoo Mail Account, Log in and Sign Out

Ymail is one of the main internet companies around the world, with plenty of services and online solutions that have available for quite some time now. Yahoo Mail is one of these platforms that have been renewed for best convenience. In the next segment we will be looking the process of create yahoo mail account, along with the process of log in and sign out, being very simple to complete.

Create a Yahoo Mail Account

In this article I am going to show you two methods to create a yahoo mail account, using your mobile phone and your web browser. Before going into the steps, let’s get to the requirements before creating a Ymail Account.

  • You will need your computing device: Laptop or tablet or desktop or your mobile phone,

  • You need an internet connection,

  • And you must have your own personal mobile number.

Steps to Create a Yahoo Mail Account Using Web Browser

Here in this guide, I am using chrome browser. You can use any browser to create a Yahoo Mail account steps are the same.

  1. Head over your browser and go to Yahoo’s official website

  2. Click on the Sign-in button on the top right corner of the screen.

  3. Now, sign in page with a form will open. This is where you are going to add your email and password to get into Yahoo after you create your email address.

  4. In the bottom of the sign-in form, you will see Sigh Up link right beside “Don’t have an account?” Click the link.

  5. Now Sign Up form will open, here you will have to fill out all the detail. Enter your First Name, Last name. Hit enter, and you will get some unique username by Yahoo that you can choose for your email address or you can create your own username.

  6. The email address should be unique, sometimes the username you are trying to use might have already been used. In that case, you cannot create your email with that particular username. The form will display “A Yahoo account already exists with this email address.” So, choose another username for your email address.

Steps to Create a Yahoo Mail Account Using Mobile Application

  • Go to your App Store on iPhone or Google’s Play Store.

  • Download Yahoo Mail – Organized an Email App from the store.

  • Now, open up the Yahoo application and click on Sign up right next to “Don’t have an account?”

In the next step, you will have to fill up your information to create a yahoo mail account. Right after you add your First Name, and Surname, the app will create your Email address, which you can change if you want to use your own email address. Fill up the rest of the form and click on the “Continue” button.

How to Send Email from Yahoo Mail Account

Now that you have created your yahoo mail account lets send your first email.

  1. Head up to yahoo mail official website and sign in to your account with your email address and password.

  2. You don’t need to add “” you can just enter your username.

  3. Now, after opening your dashboard, click on Mail on the top right corner of the homepage.

  4. Now that your mailbox is opened, So click on the Compose button on your top left. After that, compose will open up a box where you can enter your recipient, subject of your message and your message. Besides that, you can even attach your files, pictures and send it to the recipient.

  5. Finally, click the sent button to send your first email after finishing up your email.

  6. These are all the required steps to create a yahoo mail account. I hope I have made all the steps clear. If you have any further queries, feel free to write it in the comment section. I will reply to your questions.