
Mindfulness continues to grow as an invaluable, evidenced-based, approach for reducing stress for both children and adults with a multitude of emotional and physical benefits. We are making mindfulness an increasingly important part of our efforts to meet the needs and enrich the life of the whole child here at Sunnymead.

Below are two videos to help explain why both children and adults may want to look at this practice as the next greatest superpower!

Check out some great resources to engage your child in Mindfulness Activities

The Ultimate List of Mindfulness Activities

Websites & Apps:






https://youtu.be/FUJs0fXTWTE “Mindfulness for Children,” Explained - Great resource to explain what mindfulness is and how it can be helpful for reducing stress and anxiety.

https://youtu.be/HB16XYD2huo “Mindful Able and Fy Explain Mindfulness”

https://youtu.be/RVA2N6tX2cg "Just Breathe" by Julie Bayer Salzman & Josh Salzman (Wavecrest Films)

https://youtu.be/vnR5HDfR3JI “I Am Peace”, A Book of Mindfulness - By Susan Verde | Children's Books Read Aloud

https://youtu.be/ihwcw_ofuME “3 Minutes Body Scan Meditation - Mindfulness For Kids”

https://youtu.be/RtiWdN5WFm4 “Breathing Meditation For Kids - Mindfulness For Children”

Cosmic Kids Videos - Great fro building awareness and presence (yoga based)

Apps Only: Stop, Breathe & Think / Stop, Breathe & Think for Kids / Mindful Powers for Kids

Mindful Moments

Last school year, I started recording my own videos to expose the children to short mindfulness moments. If your young learner has not checked them out yet, encourage them to go to my google classroom. Under "Classwork," "Mindfulness Moments with Mrs. White".

I would love for all of our Sunnymead Scholars to understand their own personal superpower of mindfulness. To become more aware of what's happening IN and AROUND them and learn strategies for bringing their body and mind to a state of calmness.

Learn more with just a couple short videos (below)!

Deep Breathing is a powerful tool to help students calm down and manage strong emotions.

Mindfulness is about being aware of what's happening in the present moment. Listening is an important part of that... try this game to see how calm and quiet you can be to increase your listening skills =)

Hello, Gratitude! Mind yeti helps kids and their adults calm their minds, focus their attention, and connect better to the world around them.

A subscription is free, sign up to enjoy using their resources!

Raise your energy and face your day!

Practice gaining control of stressful feelings!

I LOVE this video! Learn how to turn on & off to relax your whole body during stressful times!

Practice melting away that icky frozen feeling you get when you're scared, frustrated, or angry.

Help your mind and body find a place of calm!

Start your day OR take a break with a GoNoodle Video.