SAC's Corner

Make sure you check out "What's Happening" each month to see what your children are learning from the counseling department.

The role of the SAC...

As the school counselor, I have an incredible opportunity to assist students in achieving academic, personal, social and emotional success. Through collaborating with parents, teachers, specialists and administrators I am able to interact with everyone in the school to help meet the needs of and enrich the life of the Sunnymead students.

Communication is important between home and school and I want to make sure I am doing my part.  You can expect updated information about what is happening from the Counseling Department and what social emotional skill your child will be learning about.  I will use this website to communicate with parents and share all that is happening!

What can you expect from the School Counselor?


As the school counselor, I maintain a strong presence and work collaboratively with all stake-holders to ensure that Sunnymead's climate is one where everyone feels like they are safe, valued, encouraged, as well as, truly seen and heard as the unique individual that they are. My hope is that all students feel a sense of community and belonging here at Sunnymead.  As human beings we are hard-wired for connection to others and it is my hope that ALL our students feel a strong connection here at Sunnymead School.

In the Classroom

In this forum, I have an opportunity to address many common topics that apply to a wide range of students. Throughout the year, I will be in and out of the classroom teaching lessons that will help all of our students develop a greater awareness of themselves and strengthen their social and emotional skills.

Some examples that may be addressed in the classroom include: Skills for becoming a Respectful Learner, Empathy, Compassion, Perspective taking, Conflict Resolution, understanding and Regulating Emotions, and Problem-solving.

Small Groups

Small groups will run throughout the school year to meet the needs of students who may be experiencing similar life circumstances or academic needs. As the need arises group topics will vary and typically consist of 4-6 students, run for approximately 6 to 8 sessions, and are very focused. We are very fortunate to have a set time every day for W.I.N. groups (What I Need).  If a student appears to be an appropriate candidate for a small group, they would would join me during their regularly scheduled W.I.N. time.

Some topics for group work include: Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, Social Skills, Friendship, Self-Esteem/Building Resiliency.


My door is always open! It is important that students know that I am here for them throughout all of life's challenges. Whether an issue arises in the school playground, classroom, lunchroom or at home, I hope that all students know that they can always come to me. Some issues arise that can be solved quickly others may require me to schedule time with a student during school hours.

If, as a parent, you have concerns about your child that you would like my assistance with please feel free to call or email me. I welcome the opportunity to work collaboratively with you to assist in any way I am able. By working together we can find a way to address your concerns and help your child succeed.  Go to the "Contact Me" section of this site to learn more about confidentiality.


Another important role of a SAC is to be a resource to the teachers and administrators of Sunnymead. Whether it is a behavior in the classroom, a concern they might have about a student, or simply a sounding board to express themselves, I look forward to working collaboratively with your child's teacher.

Anti-Bullying Specialist (ABS) 

Most school counselor's have been tasked with taking on the role of ABS.  It's important that every claim of bullying be reported and fully investigated.  If you'd like to learn more about what the law is regarding bullying, please see the Counseling Chatter page for a short slide show.

The BEST and MOST BEAUTIFUL things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.    They must be felt with the heart. Helen Keller