The Department of New Media, School of Journalism, Mass Communication & New Media, is a vibrant and vivacious space for young minds to realize their full potential in the career of their choice. The department has a dynamic work culture where students and teachers work in unison to create a teaching-learning environment full of growth opportunities. We have faculty with diverse backgrounds and industry experience allowing us to provide students with a blend of theory & practical leading to their overall professional development. In terms of research output, we are amongst the best departments in the country. Our faculty members have published with some of the most reputed journals of the world on contemporary issues. We are amongst the first departments in the country to adopt the NEP-2020. We are continually striving to develop a culture of rigorous academic research and inculcate advanced professional skills in our students. This is evident from our placement records with students getting placed in a wide variety of communication based professions ranging from corporate communications to journalism in both government as well as private sector organizations. We envision to conceptualize the Department 2.0

Salient Features

  • Focus on diverse vantage points ranging from new communication policy, political and international communication, media appreciation and web technologies

  • Comprehensive curriculum ranges from conventional electronic media- television and radio to mobile and web communication technologies

  • Opportunity for the students to work in the communication and cultural industries and to develop alternatives in non-profit and public media education and production

  • Exposure of students to different media production techniques that allow them to work in the field of high definition broadcasting and digital media

  • Regular industry and visits to encourage the students to have more interaction with the industry

  • Research Thrust on New Media Research and New Media Technologies


The mission of the department is to impart training in diverse research areas that span an array of fields: reporting and editing, media laws, public relations and advertising, development communication, film appreciation, media and governance, television and radio production, media production techniques, mobile communication and social media; and a curriculum that should provide the students a broader understanding of conceptual and applied skills necessary to engage with past and current complex communications phenomena and technologies and also to conceptualize the 2.0 impression by innovative, imaginative and empowering new media technologies as well as by active participation of our primary stakeholders academic planning. Students Speak


Department of New Media

School of Journalism Mass Communication and New Media

Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Campus-I, Near HPCA Cricket Stadium

Dharamshala , Kangra-176215, Himachal Pradesh, India

Students Speak

I am thankful to my department of New Media Communication and the Central University of Himachal Pradesh for giving me great opportunities which expanded my learning curve. The department focused on practical learning and skill development which really helped me in my career growth. It's really amazing the way the Central University of Himachal Pradesh facilitates academic and professional opportunities all at one stage.


Academic cum teaching Associate

Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi


इरादा था एक तीर से दो निशाने - पहाड़ों में रहना, और मीडिया में उच्च शिक्षा प्राप्त करना यहाँ तो जीवन भर के लिए गुरु और दोस्त भी मिल गए। हिमाचल प्रदेश केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय के मीडिया डिपार्टमेंट का सबसे मज़बूत ढांचा है इसके शिक्षक, उनकी स्वतंत्र सोच और नवीन पाठ्यक्रम आने वाले छात्रों की पीढ़ियों पर निर्भर है कि वो कैसे इसकी मद्द से ऊँची से ऊँची उड़ान भरेंगे


Founder & Content Creator,Stray By Me (@straybyme)

My experience in the Department of New Media was great. I can proudly say that it is my department. I learned many things from my department like writing, editing and various other dimensions of this field. Huge respect, love and devotion for entire faculty members and department. It's their efforts that make me count myself into better professionals.


Associate, Dainik Bhaskar, Chandigarh

Before admission in the Department of New Media, mass Communication was only about TV, Newspaper, Radio and social media for me. But I can say that I am evolved here. Other than the technical and subjective elements, I learnt the basics i.e. “Communication” in a better way. Thanks to CUHP for the exposure, it helped me a lot in overcoming hesitation. I’m grateful to my teachers and friends who helped me in shaping my career. Now I communicate with masses and able to share my mind comfortably.


Consultant, National Centre for Drug Abuse Prevention (NCDAP)

National Institute of Social Defence (NISD)

Knowledge is a sea, and you can go as deep as you want. So my journey in the Department of New Media was like it. My professors with their deep knowledge took me to the depth of it. It's a great moment of pride for me that I was a part of this University. In the NMC department I have learnt various media skills. Now I am a journalist in broadcast media and credit goes to the practical’s I have done during my course. The NMC department provided me with the space to grow to the fullest. I would like to thank each and every member of the NMC.


News Anchor, Zee Salam

"It's difficult, to sum up, the memories and experience of two years in few lines. I consider myself very lucky for being a part of the Department of New Media. For me, life at CUHP has been breathtaking and enriching. The time I spent here has taught me patience, endurance, and humility while giving me a sense of belonging at the same time. CUHP offers a blend of learning, amusement, and integration of enduring principles. Last but not the least, faculty members are very helpful. They are always available to rescue us in testing times. My sincere thanks to all the faculty members, mentors, and everyone in the CUHP family for their support and altruism. Proud to be a CUHPian!"


Executive | Design & Graphics, SteelMint

My PG course in New media Communication was based on practical knowledge. The course content was well designed and useful in professional life. There was flexibility to explore other things which helped in shaping me. Our School, faculty and their teaching technique was really awesome. University situated in lap of Dhauladhar ranges which provide us a suitable environ to excel. Time spent here was really good and meaningful to me. We learned a lot.


The Department of New Media Communications has shaped my career holistically. Supportive and best faculties, the well structured and at par with industry practices course structure, the two-way communicational approach in teaching has added new dimensions in my educational domain as well as interpersonal qualities.


Senior Public Relations Officer

Corporate Communication Department, THDC India Limited

Being a science graduate, the field of New Media and Communication was new to me. But the carefully structured course content makes it interesting to me. It gives us the freedom to learn things in our way and it was never a rote learning. Theory and practical’s helped us to learn various dimensions of journalism. I learnt camera to political communication through practice as we were never been limited to classroom walls. In the quest of knowledge it was the prolific time for me. All the faculty members added many things in this process.


Senior Public Relations Officer

Corporate Communication Department, THDC India Limited

I am from the 2018 batch student. I chose New Media for my master’s degree. The two year long course was very creative. It helped me to learn various new things in this emerging field. It has opened portals for RJ, VJ, anchor, reporter, teacher and PRO for me. Teacher are very helpful, experienced they know the demand of the changing industry and thus prepare students accordingly. Classrooms are well maintained and wifi facility is available for 24*7.


Hi ! This is Rasham Lata Soni from New Media Communication (2016-18). I was very fortunate to get knowledge and experience from well experienced faculty. My university experience was really amazing. I learnt and experienced new things in such a short time duration of two years. My university, Central University of Himachal Pradesh was a very welcoming place and from the first day itself. I found the environment very good for studying. After those two years, I felt like a completely different person in me. I gained more confidence, learnt many new things related to my course. Timely advice of the faculties at every step always motivated me. I made new friends who had same ambitions as me. My university life was quite balanced and I made the most out of those years.


केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय में यदि मैं अपने अनुभव कि बात करूँ तो मुझे काफी कुछ सीखने को मिला है। आज के समय में भी यह सब मेरे काम रहा है फिर चाहे ऑफिस में बैठ कर काम करना हो या फिर field work मैंने जो कुछ भी सीखा उसमें मेरे गुरुजनोँ का साथ हमेशा साथ रहा है जिस तरह कैमरा पर फोकस करने से सब कुछ साफ़ दिखाई देता है उसी तरह यदि सिखने का जज्बा हो तो हम खुद के लिए काफी कुछ सीख सकतें हैं। गुरुजनों के पढ़ाने का तरीका काफी सरल रहा है फिर चाहे जितनी बार भी उनसे कुछ भी पूछ लिया जाए उन्होंने कभी मना नहीं किया और हमेशा एक परिवार की तरह अपने विधार्थियों के साथ रिश्ता रखा है।


Anchor/Script Writer

International Marketing Corporation (Ludhiana)

My overall experience during my studies was good. CUHP has an amazing atmosphere to grow as a better person and as a professional. CUHP has provided me with a number of opportunities to grow and explore and to hone my skills. The emphasis on other activities along with education always helped me a lot. I have always found a positive, healthy, and nurturing environment and the teachers were highly supportive. Most of my doubts were cleared even after the classes got over. The faculty is very supportive.



With exceptional faculty, groundbreaking learning opportunities, and a diverse group of talented students, the Central University of Himachal Pradesh has helped me in shaping my skills in the best way possible. Being part of the Department of New Media, not only I have been coached to learn and understand the academic side of Mass media, but they have helped me to become a good communicator, a soulful writer, and a confident human being. Central University is more than just a place to get an education. It’s a place to- find your true self!


Digital Marketing Executive, Omne Present Technologies

"My experience in the Department of New Media at the Central University of Himachal Pradesh is fantastic and memorable. The mentors helped us to enhance our academic and interpersonal skills. Faculty members have always been a source of inspiration for each of us. There was support from all sides, which cannot be overstated in contributing to our current positions."


Pursuing Ph.D, Kurukshetra University

मैनें अपनी मास्टर डिग्री न्यु मीडिया कम्युनिकेशन में सेंट्रल युनिवर्सिटी ऑफ हिमाचल प्रदेश से 2019 में पूरी की है। जब मैंने इस विषय में दाखिला लिया तो उस वक्त मैंने कभी नहीं सोचा था कि मुझे इस विषय में इतना कुछ सीखने को मिलेगा। न्यु मीडिया विषय से अपनी कम्युनिकेशन को कैसे तराशा जाता है, फिल्म मैकिंग कैसे होती है, खबरों को टीवी पर कैसे प्रसारित किया जाता है, टीम वर्क कैसे होता है आदि मैंने इस विषय के माध्यम से सीखा है। न्यु मीडिया के अध्यापकों की बदौलत आज मैं गुंजन रेडियो की प्रोग्राम डायरेक्टर के रुप में अपनी सेवाएं दे रही हूं।


Programme Director, Gunjan Radio, Dharamshala

मेरा नाम काजोल चौहान है और 2018 -2020 बैच की पासआउट विद्यार्थी रही हूं। न्यू मीडिया कम्युनिकेशन विभाग में नए सिरे से सीखने के बाद हिमाचल प्रदेश के सबसे प्रतिष्ठित अखबार दिव्य हिमाचल में काम करने का मौका मिला। 2020 में पासआउट होने के तुरंत बाद मुझे ये मौका हाथ लगा, जो केवल न्यू मीडिया डिपार्टमेंट में सीखने की वजह से संभव हुआ। इसके बाद मैंने डिजिटल मीडिया में काम किया। हिमाचल अभी अभी जैसे संस्थान में जुड़ी। और अब मैंने अपना एक डिजिटल प्लेटफार्म खड़ा किया, हिमाचल प्राइम टीवी जो हिमाचल प्रदेश के गांव कस्बों से लेकर शहर की खबर को सामने ले कर रहा है। ये सब संभव हो पाया है न्यू मीडिया डिपार्टमेंट में सीखने के कारण। मैं अपने सभी गुरुओं की आभारी हूं। एक बार फिर से आप सब का धन्यवाद।


News Anchor/Reporter, Himachal Prime TV

The experience of studying in the Department of New Media was full of exuberance. In my first year itself, I got a film award at the National Level Film Competition and the credit goes to the guidance of my professors. The faculty members were virtuous and supportive of the student's choices. Here, I explored my creative knowledge and skill to fulfill my passion with some of the great academic minds. The panoramic view of mother nature and the Dhauladhar mountains strengthen me to work harder and motivated me to achieve goals in life. Thank you to all faculty members and other staff for their kind support in everything.


Film coordinator, National Film Awards, IFFI,

Prasar Bharti-New Delhi

Department of New Media has been a great contributor to the development of my personality and knowledge as well. I have I have enhanced my leadership, time management and teamwork skills here. The best thing about this University is the cross-culture interaction between students from various parts of the India. Diversity in faculty also helped us a lot in education. The professors here make the department what it is today. Being an ex- NMC student I have received a great support from new media faculties. Knowledge gained from NMC department and is a treasure for life.


Project Coordinator, Sprint Integrated Solutions Ltd Gurgaon

From meeting new people to making documentaries, working in a team, attending seminars, making assignments, I enjoyed a lot. During my journey in New Media Communication course, I learned a lot new things, and now, all those learning’s are helping me in giving my best at workplace. I'm grateful to all teachers who supported me as well as other students.


Gandhi Fellow, (Gujarat)

Students who want to pursue course of new media then CUHP is best. The faculties in the department of New Media are very supportive. They’re always giving their best to resolve any query of the students. They will provide guidance and help you in every possible way regarding personal or professional issues. This course gives you the exposure to theoretical and practical dimensions of it. I am very thankful to all of you for the support you've given me during the time of my study period.


Village Revenue Officer, HP Government