
Problem Statement (SEPT 10)

Problem Statement

We all know that plastic pollution in our world's oceans is a major issue. But something that most people don't know is that 85% of the trash on the seafloor on seamounts and ocean ridges, and in the Great Pacific Gyre is caused by abandoned fishing gear (Greenpeace). Making discarded fishing gear one of the biggest plastic polluters in the oceans. This gear is often referred to as ghost fishing gear since they can be nearly invisible in the dim light and wreak havoc on our marine ecosystems. Ghost fishing gear that is carelessly felt in our oceans results in the death of sea life. For example about ten percent of Maui’s mantas have been “tangled in fishing line, which – among other damage – can cut off their flexible cephalic fins used for waving plankton into their mouths” (Hamer). But this doesn't just affect the slowly depleting number of fish and marine life, it also impacts the entire ecosystem. As each species is relent on each other and killing marine life by an outside force that isn’t normally sustained within their ecosystem (in this case the consumption of plastic) we risk damaging the ecosystem as a whole. It also affects humans as the plastic bioaccumulates within the fish and results in plastic filled fish that are unsafe for human consumption. Degraded fishing gear can also damage our coral reefs.This waste produced from fishing pollutes our oceans, kills sea life, and disrupts fragile ecosystems, and it needs to be taken care of. While it is a global issue I want to focus on the impact fishing waste has on the big island, maybe specifically focusing on the coast of Kona and Kohala.

Works cited:

  • “HAMER – Hawaii Association for Marine Education and Research, Inc.” Https://, Accessed 10 Sept. 2021.

  • “Rising Temperatures.”, Accessed 10 Sept. 2021.

  • “Club News.” HAWAII BIG GAME FISHING CLUB, Accessed 10 Sept. 2021.

  • “Don’t Get Tangled up in Fishing Line Litter.”, Accessed 10 Sept. 2021.

  • “Fishing Line Is a Death Trap for Coastal Wildlife.” Save Coastal Wildlife,

Pitch (SEPT 28)

  1. Pitch Video

  2. Slide Deck

  3. Speaker Notes

Untitled_ Oct 5, 2021 7_39 AM.mp4
Tess Kelly.pdf
Speaker Notes_.pdf

Formal Proposal (OCT 15)

Formal Proposal

Demo/Prototype (NOV 23)

Exemplary prototypes’s test assumptions and create actionable information, they validate learning in real time, and provide constant feedback. In this phase you will:

  • Quickly develop a tangible prototype

  • Gather feedback

  • Present your findings

Product Creation (MAR 9)

Exemplary product progress is driven by iteration as your product interacts with the world, leading to redesigning your scope and outcomes in a macro and micro scale based on realities both positive and negative. In this phase you will:

  • Refine your prototype

  • Develop a final product

Showcase (APR 25-29)

Exemplary presentations communicate how you have grown and gained insights into who you are and what you can do. In this phase you will:

  • Present your Capstone work

  • Share your product

  • Engage in reflection through question and answer with an authentic audience

Legacy (APR 29)

Secure the continuum of your capstone product and journey by creating a white paper, Standard Operating Procedure, Training Manual, and/or digital artifact you are allowing rising seniors for decades to carry your capstone product and ideas forward. Here is where you lay the foundation to do so. In this phase you will:

  • Create a white paper to document and capture your Capstone journey

  • Propose future work